Chuck (TV Series 2007–2012) Poster


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Such a fun show!
Rob133128 September 2022
I'm actually blown away by how much I liked the show Chuck! I never watched it when it was on but had time of the pandemic and finally caught up. I loved it! It's about a computer geek named Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) as he accidentally downloaded a secret weapon that downloades massive amounts of critical information to his brain, everything from terrorists to look out for, how to learn to fight, fix things, fly, or whatever else he needs in a matter of seconds. Assassins and terrorists all over the world try to get to him to get that information. He works alongside CIA agent Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) and Major John Casey (Adam Baldwin) to protect this secret and to get the bad guys. If you haven't seen this yet don't be like me and keep putting it off, make it's your next show to watch. You won't be disappointed!
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Pure nostalgia in 2022
omidtafakori25 January 2022
I remember when I was a kid, maybe around 9 or 10 during the first seasons of the show, I used to wake up every morning in Malmö, my hometown in Sweden and watch Chuck. I remember it being some of the best things I've watched. I decided to revisit the old show some 15 years after the first season aired and it still holds up. I remember watching episode 10, season 1 and No one's gonna love you by Band of Horses started playing, and for a moment, just a small moment my eyes started filling up with tears. I started to remember the good old days when I was a little kid watching this show, when things were much simpler.

It's safe to say this show still holds up and if you haven't watched it yet, I would highly recommend you do if you enjoy proper comedy/action!
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I can't believe I just started watching this now!
Supermanfan-1313 January 2021
I've always heard great things about Chuck and read all the great reviews and ratings but still put off watching it for some reason. I thought I'd finally give it chance and I'm glad I did because I enjoyed it a lot. It has everything you want in a good tv show...comedy, action, drama, mystery, romance, etc, etc. I now know why Chuck's fan base was always so loyal and loud about bringing it back.
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Very Enjoyable if you take it for what it is.
kcdl2 August 2009
I'm totally surprised by the amount of negative comments made about Chuck. though at the same time the good comments are very good.

I half wonder if the negative comments comments are because people are watching it in the mode of "This is comedy why aren't I laughing every single second".

I agree the show isn't laugh-a-minute. However I think it far more than that. I once heard this show described as "joyous" and I think that is a perfect description. This is a show that should produce joy rather than laughter. Laughter is reflexive and ephemeral while joy is more lasting and requires sympathy for the characters.

I enjoy the show because I love the characters. They may seem to be clichés but the are all archetypes in new contexts. We not only have meek nerds in dangerous situation but train killers in mundane situations.

I love watching these characters trying to adjust to these environments that are alien to them.

The other thing I like is that there is forward movement in nearly every episode especially in season 2. I'm so sick of shows that are stand alone bad-guy-of-the-week. Chuck has a clear story arch. It is a very plot driven show and secondarily a character driven show. The script is a formality much like Star Wars.

Really it is a classic story about man who is being forced to be the man he is meant to be. Chuck has the potential to be a hero but years as a lowly computer store clerk have obliterated his self confidence.

On the flip side it is the story of a girl who has been running around saving the world and just wants a normal life.

I guess if you don't have sympathy for the character you will never understand what is great about this show. It is FAR more than a bunch of spy clichés.

Another thing I love is the chemistry between Chuck and Sarah. It is more than just sexual tension the to characters are actually in love. This makes things a bit different to the usual sexual tension theme where the boy is trying to get the girl to like him. We know they like each other from the start. It is merely the circumstance that keeps them apart. This raises the stakes of the story arch of chuck trying to get the intersect out of his head.

In summary I believe you enjoy it more if you don't think of it as a purely as a comedy but as journey for the main characters.
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Action packed, Smart, Hilarious, Sexy show.
kwanbis1 November 2009
Chuck is one of my favourite shows so far.

The action is very good.

Comedy is excellent, not too overacted.

Yvonne Strahovsky is the sexiest agent on TV by far.

All the episodes are very much different, so you don't get bored.

It looks like all is in place for a hell of a show.

I hope NBC does not let it die.

By the way, i'm non-American Spanish-speaker, and i still love the show, not like others that are very much "american humor", like 30 rock which i can not stand a minute (this is just an example), so i'm confident it would be loved from people all over the world.
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Chuck is like either love it or hate it. I LOVE IT!
fearcheol11 August 2009
A lot of people who watch Chuck forget that they are watching a action/comedy. The people who think that its supposed to be solely comedy will be disappointed because they think they're supposed to be laughing the whole time. These people aren't the fans....

People who get offended by its portrayal of its action/sci-fi side are offended because it doesn't thrill them like most shows like Dexter or Supernatural do. Its not supposed to do that either. These people aren't the fans....

People who are able to see the key factor of this show.... the simple care-free enjoyment that puts a smile on your face when they watch chuck. Who can see behind the unrealistic plot and cliché characters to the amazing morals and ethics that only this type of show can have. People who can just sit back and indulge in the charming epicness of Chuck. These people ARE the fans!

And i am one of them.

If you are a rationalist, don't watch......ever.

But if you have an open-mind and have even a hint of empathy then this is the show for YOU
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kanstense1117 July 2022
My husband and I watched this show when it originally aired, and now are rewatching it with our children. The show is fun and I still truly enjoy it. I want to shop at the Buy More!
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Is this show the greatest show currently on television?
Pillowfightgayness9 September 2009
I would like to explain to you what makes this show worth watching.

There are 3 main reasons.

1. The plot: to sum it up in one word "amazing" How the creators came up with this idea ill never know but it is great, a totally unique and might I add awesome idea for a TV show, The mix of the drama and the comedy in the show is just stunning major kudos to the writers

2. The characters: Every single character on this show is great. whether Im watching Casey lay out some serious fighting skills, or watching Captain Awesome be...well, awesome it always has my attention

3. The relationship between Chuck and Sarah: Last but definitely not least the element that most makes the show worth watching. Their chemistry rivals that of another great TV couple *cough* J.D and Elliot *cough*. They play off of each other so well that it makes me really believe that Yvonne Strahovski really is a super sexy C.I.A agent and Zachary Levi is just some "nerd" that happened to land the hottest women on the face of the planet in the most bizarre sort of way. I love Chuck and Sarah.

So to answer my question, Yes this really is the greatest show currently on television, I haven't been this obsessed with a show since I first set eyes on Scrubs. If you have not seen this show or you've seen a little and are skeptical about it, Just watch it you will not be disappointed.
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Don't let season 5 be the last of Chuck and Sarah!!!!!!!!
Wustmann3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Chuck is unique. It is real. With the corny acting, the monotonous or bizarre plots, and the horrible story lines have claimed the life of too many of today's television shows, Chuck offers a refreshing plot, real emotion, and real problems. The ingenious plot uniquely blends action and drama with comedy and romance. The importance of the intersect on Chuck's life and how it changes him makes us look at our own lives and makes us wonder what it is that we want to get out of our lives. Adding to that the incredibly passionate and emotional love story of Chuck and Sara and discovering the importance of family (the Bartowski's) and friends (Morgan, Casey, Buy More Gang), watching Chuck makes you realize what really matters in life and makes you feel like part of a family, Chuck's family.

As I write this, I realize the miniscule impact that this review has on determining the fate of Chuck. All I hope is that Warner Bros, own the rights to Chuck, will take a second and listen to the passionate fan base that has stood by Chuck for five years, through thick and thin. Chuck is more than a show. It's part of our family. If we lose Chuck, we lose part of our family. Sarah's not the only one who fell for Chuck. We all did and we will never stop.

Sign Petition To Continue Chuck:
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Use to be a really a fun show
rfc-1973921 May 2022
We loved this show when we started watching it. Had everything but now well into the 3rd season it seemed to abandon everything that made the show good. The division between spy and personal was hard and unforgiving. That was what made the show work. A hard core, professional spy vs a goofy citizen caught up in the world. Now anyone can be a spy, the ridged structure that made the show work is gone. Now it is becoming a love story which use to only be a small part of the show. Funny, me and my wife watched this when it was first on TV and for the first few seasons we were wondering why we stopped watching it. Well now we know. It is too bad but we are dropping the show at the end of the 3rd season. Again!
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Chuck Finale
ArrrMadeus28 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, for starters. Chuck has always been one of those shows that no matter where you pop in to it, it will be an exciting television show. Chuck offers a lot of fun, it offers you comedy, drama, and there are a lot of touching moments throughout the show. I, as a male, can honestly say that the Finale has made me cry like a baby. I have loved this show since the beginning of its airing, and there is nothing I want more than this show to continue. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be continued; but they may make a movie about it. If none of you have watched Chuck, or gave up on it, I suggest you continue, (or start), watching the show. It's a touching show, it's by far number one in the top ten most amazing shows, it HAS to be. When you watch the Series finale, you'll be tearing up.
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An endearing lameness
I_saw_it_happen4 June 2010
There is a lot of praise to be gushed for this show, but there are some definite problems which weigh it down, as well. Writing this review at the end of Season 3, I'm hoping the show will get through it's 'slump' and get better, because I WANT to like Chuck more than I do.

On the good side of things, the show's quite funny in a lot of the right places, and some of the characters, while absolutely cliché, are quite a lot of fun to watch. The first season, dealing with Chuck learning to become a spy while balancing out his 'normal' life are quite fun, especially because of the underlying tension of the show, which is that one day Chuck will have to make a real choice about whether to fully become a spy, or whether he can 'lose' the Intersect and return to a life of normalacy. The complications of his relationship with Agent Walker also make an interesting romance for the first season, though this theme especially drags until it becomes tired.

The big problem with Chuck is that it's a show all about making decisions--- and yet the decisions that get made are often clearly dumb ones, and the 'conflict' which is generated in the decision making process is often self-imposed by characters for no apparent reason. About mid-way through the second season, and well into the third, it begins to feel as if Chuck is just a vehicle for someone who wants to direct music videos of forlorn folk music; long drawn out scenes of Chuck and Sarah gazing at each other as indie guitars fingerpick... it's a nice moment at first, but the sentimentality wears thin after a while. One can easily forgive a show for not being realistic in certain degrees; but basic human relations shouldn't be nearly as pained as they are in this show.

And the Chuck-Sarah romance takes up waaaaaaaay too much time in this show. It's as painful as watching a junior-high school puppy love crush--- in slow motion--- and as the same scenes play over and over again, it becomes apparent that the writers don't know how to convey an actual 'healthy' relationship, only the awkward fumbling moment of unrequited love that each drawn out folksy montage revels in. Perhaps most important, while 'Sarah' is pretty, there's no other clear reason given why Chuck should fall for her at all; she's cold to him, won't be honest with him, and refuses his advances for a long while. At what point does his interest in her actually make sense? There's nothing wrong with watching a long drawn out pursuit of romance in such a show--- but there has to be some hint of a workable romance for it to be convincing, some potential chemistry which Chuck entirely fails to present.

So the Chuck Sarah subplot feels tangential. As does the Buy-More plot; trying to draw parallels between the CIA and the Buy-More simply flops. The comedy begins to feel forced. If this is a show about Chuck becoming a spy, why waste a fourth of the broadcast time on the childish pranks at the Buy-More? If this was something that just occasionally happened, that might be okay. But it's constant. And it gets tiring.

Does the ostensible 'main' focus of the show--- Chuck becoming a spy--- work? Yes, when it's not bogged down with Sarah or the Buy-More. In this regard, the show is promising. Each new Intersect becomes more enticing to the viewers. Some of the Ring's plots are quite impressive and amusing. All in all, the actual spy drama of the show is pretty good, with a well-proportioned mix of humor and suspense. If the show leans more in this direction--- especially maintaining it's stronger comedic elements --- then it may indeed bloom into a good show. As of now, it's floundering, recycling itself into pointlessness. Even the villains seem lackluster and indifferent at this point.

Chuck is a potentially good show with pretty bad writers. I'm hoping they find their stride and make the show work soon--- because it could be good.

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Chuck might have some potential underneath the muddled scripts
nunyerbiz6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Through a series of 'forgettable spy movie clichés', a regular guy from the local electronic store gets all the secrets of the government downloaded into his subconscious. Of course, this brings interest from the unavoidable 'powerful government agency clichés'. The CIA agent (romantic interest) and the NSA agent (sorta pointless other guy) must sorta protect him while sorta trying to get information from him while sorta trying to make the audience laugh on occasion.

Based on the first two shows, Chuck is a muddled mess... but it can be amusing at times. In the title role, Zachary Levi is likable but he doesn't seem to know whether to play it straight or go for a laugh. When a legitimate laugh does appear, the "spy clichés" pop out and stop any momentum. I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that Chuck probably isn't going to die or get brutally tortured. So when the show plays it's spy stuff with a relative straight face and tries to deliver tension, it's just a waste of time.

The writers might have something with Chuck and Sarah, as the actors appear to have potential for some chemistry... but the show needs to find a direction. Right now, it's some interesting ideas wrapped in a bunch of clunky spy games.
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The first show I ever really fell in love with
atjudkins21 July 2021
When I was about 7 or 8 me and my dad were channel surfing one night and we caught the 2nd or 3rd episode of chuck. Every week we sat down together to watch it and by the time season 1 ended my brother, sister and mom had all migrated into the living room on nights it was on. Every week from 2007 to 2012 we all sat down together and watched it and every one of us loved it. But, enough of what it means to me, on to what it is.

It is a hilarious and touching spy show about friendship, family and doing the right thing but, surprising, it never becomes too sappy. The writing is top notch, in my opinion, and as a kid I just enjoyed the story. As an adult who's been to film school and on probably my 5th time through the show, more of its intricacies come out. For a relatively low budget show the action and thrills are incredible. No wonder the stunt coordinators won Emmys. It's a shame the rest of the show wasn't nominated for anything else, acting, writing, directing, etc. But awards don't make a show, do they. Zachary Levi is astounding. Funny, charming and brave, mixed in with a touch of childish fear and glee all at once. The chemistry between all of the main cast is palpable.

This brings me to the music. I owe a giant thank you to the person who found the music for this show. My taste is music was nurtured by all the songs and bands I discovered through this show and a lot of them are still some of my favorite bands today. From Band of Horses to Frightened Rabbit and Bon Iver, Jeremy Messersmith to Blitzen Trapper and Eels, this show had the best soundtrack of any movie or show I've seen to this day.

Chuck shaped my childhood and my adulthood. I really hope you check it out as well!
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great show!very funny!
vishak_1417 August 2009
I think this is the only TV show that had me hooked after just the first episode...I've watched a lot of TV shows and i would have to say that this is definitely the funniest of them...everyone has a different sense of humor..the previous post mentioned that this show wasn't funny...shocking to me..but oh well..people are different...humor aside, it's action packed and has it's serious moments (well serious until chuck arrives on the scene)...the fact that he doesn't mean to be funny makes it even funnier(if that makes any sense)...there's also some love triangle stuffs which in fact is one of the main things that makes you wanna keep watching(well.. me anyway)..I really do recommend watching this series(not one a week..just get the DVD and watch one episode after the other..makes it more enjoyable)..
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Great to binge watch during the pandemic!
kmarsha-430021 December 2020
My hubby and I binge watched the entire series in just a few weeks! I was hooked from the 1st episode and never got bored! Stick with it! It's a face paced show and if you're like me, you'll think 91 episodes is not enough/
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Best show on TV
kknott26 March 2009
I have a DVR and rarely watch shows the day they are recorded, the exception to this, is Chuck.

The best thing about this show is it's uniqueness. Most other shows on TV right now are cast from a few different molds. You have Cop / CSI dramas, reality shows (which are really getting stale), medical drams, and situational comedies. The closest you can compare this show to is Get Smart crossed with Alias crossed with Moonlighting added to a great work place comedy. Depending on which episode you watch there will be differing levels of comedy, drama, action, and even romance.

The amazing acting ability of Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski, is a pleasure to watch.
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Chuck is the most magnificent show on television
struggle6725 February 2009
Chuck is the most entertaining show on TV. It's shot well and the writing is smart and quick. The acting is superb from the extras to the main characters.The story is dramatic and visionary where the character dynamics can be turned on a dime. Love and romance, an agent searching for a good fight, an average guy tossed into the world of espionage; this show has it all.

You will laugh and cry, rejoice and be frustrated because of character depth and great acting. All the characters are lovable and relatable.

NBC has found a hero in Chuck, who as a typical guy, inspires us to be better. The creed of the show is to take care of your family and friends. Simply Chuck calls to do right even in tough times.

It's certainly a show that will keep you on your toes throughout. Without a doubt this is the best show I've ever seen.

At first I was skeptical but after two or three episodes I was hooked because its funny and exciting with a great story to it. I implore you to take a chance on Chuck, trust me its worth it. Regardless of anything else there is nothing else on TV like it.
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Chuck = Best Drama-dy on Television
sidn617016 March 2009
Out of all of the shows on television, I would have to say that without a doubt, Chuck is the best show. It has the Perfect blend of drama and comedy. It is one of those shows that only gets better with time and I am hoping, no no, I am praying that Chuck gets a third season. Each one of the actors/characters brings something special to the show that makes it a huge success. Zachary Levi is a hilarious actor and he and Yvonne Strahovski have amazing chemistry. Adam Baldwin is always there to keep the show in line and his quirky one lines are perfectly timed. I hope they are given the chance to prove to the world that they are worth it!
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Amusing and full of action series with sympathetic and attractive actors : Zachary Levi , Yvonne Strahovski and many others
ma-cortes7 December 2017
Since geeky and underachieving Chuck , full name is Charles Irving Bartowski (Zachary Levi) accidentally became the mental host of the Intersect , an unprecedentedly powerful computer mind containing all information available to the US government , he's a primordial national security asset and risk . So CIA and NSA each appoint two top agents, Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) from CIA and John Casey (Adam Baldwin) from NSA to protect Chuck , and all of them become involved in fantastic and dangerous adventures . Meanwhile , his identity must be kept secret from Chuck's sister Ellie Bartowski (Sarah Lancaster) , her good-looking boyfriend Devon (Ryan McPartlin) , both surgeons , and Chuck's goofy colleagues (Joshua Gómez , Mark Christopher Lawrence , Vik Sahay , Julia Ling) in a bustling shop called Buy More , the Burbank electronics store where he works as a cover . As he works in ¨Buy More¨ who sells the latest home electronics sharing good moments along with other offbeat and peculiar characters .

This splendid series packs thrills , adventures , including mystery , twisted plots and full of action packed fighting . The series formed by 91 episodes with 5 seasons and with its fifth season becoming its final season , beginning October 28, 2011, and ending on January 27, 2012, with a two hour finale . The main premise is the following : an ordinary underdog guy named Chuck gets an email from his old college friend Bryce Larkin he opens it to see a series of pictures called the intersect which has all of the governments most vital secrets ; as Chuck has to find a way to save the day , using the intersect of course but sometimes the help of friends . Zachary Levi gives a very good and sympathetic interpretation as a computer nerd for the Buy More who discovers dark secrets when inadvertently downloads critical government information turning his life upside down . In spite of the successful series Zachary Levi has played a mediocre career as Television : Heroes Reborn , Deadbeat , Falling for You , Let it go , Tiny commando and Cinema he played Fandral in Thor : The Dark World (2013) . Two agents are assigned to guard Chuk , Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah and Adam Baldwin as John Casey , both of whom often get involved with him in spy adventures . Zachari Levi/Chuck creates a stunning chemical with his colleague the gorgeous Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah and both of whom fall in love . Support cast is frankly well , filled with familiar faces such as : Christopher Lloyd , Brandon Routh , Kristen Krouk , Tony Todd , Bruce Boxleiner ,Rachel Bilson , Robin Givens , Chevy Chase , Dolph Lundgren , Summer Glau , Ray Wise , Linda Hamilton as Chuck's mom and Gary Cole as Sarah's dad and several others ; besides , Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay had recurring roles . Natalie Martinez intervened in various episodes as well as Jordana Brewstwer as Chuch's first girlfriend . And Bonita Friedericy as General Beckman after appearing in the vast majority of episodes from seasons one through three , was finally made a regular cast member in season four . The series was well directed by a nice assortment of filmmakers such as : Robert Duncan McNeill , Jay Chandrasekhar , Jeremiah S. Chechik , Michael Schultz , Patrick Norris , Paul Marks , Norman Buckley and Zachary Levi himself directed 3 episodes (2010-2011) .
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artistic_romantic17 October 2022
Chuck is one of the greatest shows of all time, and I regret not watching it sooner!

Do you like office comedies? Chuck has that. Do you like spy action movies? Chuck has that. Do you love drama and deep feels? Chuck has that too!

Chuck is a wonderful blend of humor, action and heart that is a hard balance to find. The stakes elevate the emotion and the characters have individual motivations, and they all work so well together, with each one getting their moment in the spotlight.

The chemistry between Chuck and Sarah is electric! It's more than just sexual tension, they love and respect each other, and it takes them a very long time to even come to terms with their own feelings, let alone explore a relationship between them.

There are mysteries to be solved as Chuck and Sarah struggle to have a normal life after Bryce seemingly took everything from Chuck. In a life where "if I tell you, I'd have to kill you," Chuck struggles to balance his spy life with his personal life, which creates situational comedy and irony.

His friends and family are a huge part of the story, and they are well-rounded and perfectly acted by each actor/actress. Their relationships are human and messy, and they all change and evolve over the course of the series.

Are the effects a little dated? Yes. Does it have a certain campiness to it? Only enough to keep everything colorful, but personally I'm not bothered. The emotions, if ever overdone, are coming from a genuine place.

But if you pay close attention to the transitions between scenes, the writers weave parallel stories into the episodes. Chuck deals with certain stresses with his spy life, but similar situations (albeit on a smaller scale) are also happening at the Buy More. The directing is fun and frames every character perfectly for their various scenes. Sarah is mostly shot with a soft focus on her close ups that make her look positively angelic!

Give it a watch and if you don't like it.... You're either missing a funny bone...or your heart.
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Not bad, not bad...
rmilljunk29 October 2007
So I gave this TV show a chance seeing as how Lost, Heroes, and The Office are the only other things I care about on TV (oh, most of the Discovery Channel is good too).

Regardless...I gave Chuck a chance and by the end of the first episode I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It was exciting, funny, and really just plain fun. By the second (or maybe third) episode I began to realize the plot was actually a bit dull and it was mainly because one episode in particular just seemed like a waste of my life. But I forgave it and went on.

I read all these harsh reviews from other people and while some of them MAY be correct in certain aspects I just say, "Lighten up". It's fun. Period. It's not ground breaking, deep, or life changing, but it's a pretty darn good alternative to most entertainment out there and like I said if you can just not be so critical you might find that you enjoy it.

For example, I agree that it's near impossible if not absolutely impossible for every government secret that this country contains to ALL be sent in one email overnight on an everyday PC nonetheless. But also I don't believe actual super heroes walk the earth or that one man can stop multiple world crises in one whole day throughout his entire life, yet 'Heroes' and '24' are some of the top rated shows on television today.

My main point: Chuck might not be glorious, worthy of rewards, or breath-taking; but it IS fun, it is laughable, and it is worth giving a shot.
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Chuck Fails Creatively and with the Audience
fredrickgruskow7 October 2008
Chuck is a show that failed from Day One creatively. It attempts to be humorous but does not quite make it to vaguely amusing.

Is it any wonder that few people watch it? After all, it is ponderous, weighted by bad screenplays and indifferent performances and with a direction that is so lacking it is actually amazing.

Funny? Not really.

Exciting? More like sleep-inducing.

In other words, Chuck is a failure, both commercial and artistic that should be made to leave room for something better.

Here's to hoping its replacement will be an improvement.
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Action , Comedy, drama , romance all in one and it works
atinder25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know, how I missed this show , when it Was on TV , thank god for netfilx .

The opening episodes of the first season ideas great , this one of one favourite chuck episodes.

First season was great loved it , there some great action scenes and mixed in well with some very funny moments and some drama and romance was also added into show.

Season 2 was great as we'll , I loved , Also really liked season 3 , thought they had great episode, i loved chuck vs the fake name , one of favourite and loved twist and turns in this series , with whole Sarah , shaw and ex wife plot , I was total gobsmacked , It was 2 pam , i could not sleep after , so I had put the next ep on .

Season 4 was decent but not as good as first 3 season but still a lot of funny moments and still good twist and tuns in some of eps.

It was nice to seen some back story, to Sarah in the finally , I was not fan of chuck vs Sarah's ep , it just felt wrong.

I do believe, that the kiss at the very end of the final ep did work , as she already remembered virus from the first ep.
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theneilrules28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a perfect mix - romance, drama, action and comedy in a blender. Not many shows will keep you at the edge of your seats. Chuck is truly an epic, in fact, it is the best action comedy series ever. Both the lead characters fit perfectly. The chemistry between Strahovski and Levi is unparalleled. The main charisma of this show is just one. Amongst the action and comedy sequences, the allurement to watching this show is the constant advancement of the relationship between Chuck and Sarah. How they would eventually end up with their romance. The rest of the cast provided enough laughter to fuel up this magical journey. 91 episodes just ended in a flash.

A must see. The best action comedy series ever.
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