Cocoon: The Return (1988) Poster

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Contradicts the spirit of the original
MartianOctocretr527 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The original Cocoon was touching, sweet, optimistic, and heartfelt. Most of the wonderful ensemble cast reunited for this sequel, but sadly, something went awry.

You learn nothing about what they've seen during five years spent with the aliens . Further, it seems like everything the characters accomplished the first time around was repealed in this story. Their desire to join the aliens in the first place was predicated on a variety of factors, but each of those reasons is dissected and trashed this time out. Suddenly, there is conflict and suffering during a brief one-week visit. Characters get sick, everyone argues, nobody seems happy. As if that isn't bad enough, a tragic suicide attempt is played almost like a joke. Since when is suicide funny? Steve Guttenberg's character was integral to the first movie, but now he's just written as a clownish buffoon. The grandson's teen angst is annoying.

There are a few notable moments, however. One scene between Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn is deeply touching. The plight of a captured alien being studied is properly sympathetic. But scenes like these are intermingled with a menagerie of subplots which dart around between serious and comedic.

This sequel wanders too far afield from the spirit of its predecessor. The result is gloomy and disappointing. See the original, instead.
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A shadow of the original
grahamsj313 February 2003
This is a sequel, and it's better than most sequels. However, most sequels don't hold up against the original film and this one's no exception. The same cast is back and the acting is certain up to par in this film, but the impact of the story isn't there. I believe this film would have done fairly well had it not been a sequel, but the magic was gone, sorta like the magic from the pool in the first film. The cast does a good acting job and they try, they really do, but this film just doesn't cut the mustard (from whence came THAT expression?) as compared to the first film. I'm sorry, because I truly liked the first film. This is overall a very good film and nicely acted, written and executed. However, as I said, the magic from the first film is just missing because we knew pretty much what to expect. It's sad that few sequels are as good as the original.
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The sequel
blanche-225 August 2009
Sequels are usually not as good as the original, unless the sequel happens to be called "Godfather II," so "Cocoon: The Return" is no exception. On the other hand, I didn't find it ghastly (though a few others on this board did). It has the same terrific cast, which includes Don Ameche, Jack Gilford, Maureen Stapleton, Gwen Verdon, with the addition of Elaine Strich in the old folks' department, and Tawnee Welch, Tyrone Power Jr., and Steve Guttenberg with the addition of a very young Courtney Cox in the young folks' department. Brian Dennehy makes a brief appearance at the end of the film.

The Anterians need to return to pick up some cocoons, so the old folks come back to catch up with friends and family, with some interesting results.

Another plot concerns scientists taking one of the cocoons and studying it, while the Anterians attempt to rescue it before it's too late.

The movie actually has some very sweet moments - it probably would have been lousy without the same cast, but they're all very likable.

Okay, not great, and anyone under 55 probably won't want to be bothered. By the way, I cried during some of it. Guess my age.
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It Deserved better reviews. Worth a look.
Unpretentious Reviewer13 January 2002
I had hesitated on watching this sequel because it good bad reviews, but I really enjoyed it. They had to come back for the cocoons, right? What makes this movie worthwhile is that all of the Seniors struggle with whether they want to leave Earth again. Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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Never as good, but something here
gcd7013 September 2007
Completely lacking in originality, and even more in unpredictability, "The Return" gives one the feeling of 'déjà vu', as director Petrie sticks with the identical formula in order to guarantee success. This unfortunately also guarantees that we will get no inspiration from this sequel.

Yet in this light it is well filmed, with each character returning to fill us with the same emotions as the first "Cocoon" film. Stars Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy and Steve Gutenberg all return among others. James Horner's music is also back to enhance the mood. Never as good as the first, but never mind.

Sunday, May 24, 1992 - Video
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A worthy follow up to the original
Idocamstuf19 February 2005
After I enjoyed the first Cocoon so much I decided that the sequel could not be too bad. For the most part, the Cocoon: The Return remains a generally enjoyable film even if most of the magic remained in the original. In this one, the elderly friends return back to earth to catch up on everything that had missed out on while they were away. The biggest problem when they get back to earth is that all of the special protection from illness and aging that they had with the aliens eventually wears off, and if they don't get back to their planet with the aliens quickly, some of them may die. Overall, an enjoyable and harmless sequel to the original. If you liked the original you will most likely enjoy this sequel. ***1/2 out of *****.
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Cash In: The Return
udar5522 March 2006
Okay, I didn't listen to my better judgment and returned to this COCOON sequel. Ouch! To give you an idea of how wrongheaded this follow-up is, the opening ten minutes features a scene where an old man tries to commit suicide and it is played for laughs. So the old folks and the Anterians are back on earth. While the aliens try to save the cocoons with returning Steve Guttenberg, the old folks run around for a few days and find out they are old again on earth (but not before schooling some young punks on the basketball court). Everyone one from the original is back (lead alien Brian Dennehy only for a cameo though) with Courtney Cox the only major new addition as a young scientist who is studying one of the captured cocoons. The biggest problem with the film is it really has no reason to exist. Well, outside of making money of course. It is shot so blandly that it looks almost like a TV movie and the human drama, a major strength of the first film, is so un-subtle this time around. The film even ends with highlights from the first film over the end credits as if to say, "Hey, you remember the good time you had back then. Let's try and transfer some of that feeling over to this one." Yuck. Stick with the original film.
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Good sequel ...just missing a little more
connorwayne30 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I mainly rated the movie a 7 due to the (once again) excellent acting of the majority of the cast and the strictness of the story to the original. So many movie sequels fail due to lose of the original story but this film extends it nicely! Courtney Cox's addition into the cast (though small) was a good decision. A major problem though is the 3rd story within about David (now much older) and Grandfather Ben, which could be good but they ruin it by not going farther in and just half-heartedly putting it in there. Another large problem is the fact that Ron Howard was not able to direct this film and it shows! Also Welch's performance in this sequel has her character change to that of something you wouldn't recognize to the Kitty in the first film...which totally throws off some of the movie. The ending though couldn't have been done any better and it ends the 2 film series nicely!
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Completely betrayed the original concept
VeganPagan12 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The original Cocoon, with its heartwarming concept that advancing years need not doom one to an inevitable decline, is completely betrayed in this maudlin, pointless sequel.

Cocoon depicted a lovable cast of lively but sickly seniors not willing to go quietly into the night. Cocoon: The Return expects us to believe that this same intrepid group are actually homesick for hot dogs, night clubs, and dress shopping. We are "treated" to endless depictions of seniors enjoying the senior retirement "scene" ... the very "scene" from which they fled in the original.

The direction was aimless, and the editing totally lacking. The script stilted and wholly unbelievable, the acting truly bad ... although to be fair I am not sure the actors can be blamed for this.
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"Good Sequel!"
gwnightscream25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Steve Guttenberg, Courteney Cox and Brian Dennehy star in this 1988 sci-fi sequel. This takes place 5 years after the events of the original with senior pals, Art (Ameche), Ben (Brimley), Joe (Cronyn) and their wives returning to Earth from planet, Anterrea to help save more cocoons at the bottom of the ocean and reunite with their loved ones in St. Petersburg, Florida. Tandy also returns as Joe's wife, Alma, Guttenberg as boatman, Jack, Cox plays scientist, Sarah who finds one of the cocoons befriending the alien inside and Dennehy also appears briefly at the end as Walter. After Joe and the others return they start feeling normal and their youthful energy starts to fade where they decide to stay on Earth or go back to Anterrea. This is a good sequel with a great cast and excellent score by James Horner I recommend.
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Poor Storytelling!
vinceb-320 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously this sequel was made to capitalize on the popularity of Cocoon. We learn nothing of the old folks' "new" life on the distant planet. Think about that: here we have a sequel about people choosing life on Earth instead of immortality on a planet in a distant galaxy. Why would anyone make such a choice? Well, don't look for this film to answer any of the philosophical questions it purports to ask. This absurdity of a movie is a series of 60-second vignettes that all lead nowhere. If the original Cocoon was like two different movies (Team Ameche & Team Dennehy), this sequel comes across like 10 disjointed, extremely poorly written high school plays. In one scene, alien life is discovered in a St. Petersburg, Fla., laboratory. One might think such a development would rank among the biggest stories in world history. In this film, it isn't even the biggest story in the lab! That's where we see Courteney Cox donning a white doctors coat, "communicating" with the alien. And that's where we see my brain communicating to my right index finger: press "stop" switch on remote control.
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"No one ever gets old, no one ever gets sick, and no one ever dies."
Sweet Charity27 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** This movie got really bad reviews... but I think it's almost just as good as the first one! Sure... it hasn't got the BEST plot in the world... but the cute older people return! That's enough to make me watch it! (Note: Bit of a spoiler coming up here... but not TOO in depth) Wilford Brimley and Maureen Stapleton again do a fine job as they contemplate whether to stay with their beloved daughter and grandson, or to return to the planet of Antarea. Jack Gilford again shines... this time with Elaine Stritch! Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn give an especially moving performance as his leukemia returns... and she's hit by a car. (VERY depressing point in the movie... it'll bring tears to your eyes) And, saving the best for last, Gwen Verdon and Don Ameche... again, bringing a sparkle to their parts and doing a wonderful job! (I must say though... it's kind of weird that they made Bess pregnant.... considering Gwen was 63 and all at the time...) A definite must see... but only after you've seen the first!
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It was a round trip
bkoganbing18 September 2019
The old folks who left earth with the Antareans in Cocoon have decided to return with an Antarean mission to rescue another cocoon. The six couples from the previous film have three days to do their visiting with old friends and family.

As for the Antareans Courtney Cox looks up Steve Guttenberg who was so helpful in the last film that she's sure he'll be willing again. For a redblooded male like Guttenberg, Cox could convince me. But they're too late the cocoon has been taken from the ocean floor and a scientific institute has it now and they are sawing it open to get the living thing they saw with x-ray.

The first Cocoon movie was a wonderful fantasy that worked on our imaginations. The second is entertaining, but sadly comes off as a routine science fiction. And you better have watched the first because you won't understand the sequel.

Best in this film is Jack Gilford who stayed behind when the rest of his 60+ something friends went. He's still the same whiner and complainer, but there's an endearing quality to him.

I think most will like Cocoon: The Return. But leftovers aren't as good as the first meal.
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My first hint should have been "the return" ...
jerry0726 July 2014
I was fascinated by the original Cocoon movie which had a real novel theme and succeeded in making most of us think of the value of old age, the struggles, aspirations and what would happen "if only they could". It was touchy, endearing and with real after thoughts generated out of the theme of aging.

But the return is nothing novel and nothing like the first. It is embarrassing at times. Jack is back with Kitty! Oh ma! We may have excused the innocence of the initial encounter but what is happening in this movie was from clumsy to simply unsophisticated. The pregnancy topic is a mediocre addition, there is an under developed story between the Grandpa and the grandson and overall, nothing really new happening we have not seen in or extrapolated from the first movie. The original cast of "oldies" stays more or less within character and if it was not for hem and actors like Jessica Tandy (Driving Miss Daisy, Fried Green Tomatoes, ...) I would have given an even worst grading.

In short, the magic was gone and it would have been best not to make a sequel.
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Has flaws but a worthy sequel.
Madman-1031 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There is certainly an argument as to whether Cocoon: The Return need have ever been made. Ben (Wilford Brimley) had explicitly told his grandson that he would never see him again, it serves to cheapen that scene and many other scenes of finality in the original that they 'return' for this sequel.

Another annoyance is that the hospitals and doctors that the oldsters frequent don't seem to wonder how the hell these guys have risen seemingly from the dead.

That said, it's wonderful to see the senior actors return again, and some very real issues are covered which make this more than a worthwhile sequel all things considered. The scene of sacrifice with Joe (Hume Cronyn) and Alma (Jessica Tandy) is a whirlpool of emotion and I defy anyone not to be moved by this pair of stunning performances - it really does tug on the heartstrings, as much as anything in the first movie does. It's also superb watching Bernie (Jack Gilford) move on with his life by dating the feisty Ruby (Elaine Stritch) who is more than a match for the cantankerous curmudgeon. Some brilliantly moving moments as Bernie believes he is betraying his late wife by kissing another woman...

And that's what the Cocoon movies do, they move you, they move senior citizens - disregarded by society - to the forefront of importance and rightfully so too, before we were around - they were. They deserve these films to showcase the hardships they have to go through in later life, where a great deal of them to crave immortality...these films take a look what if?...and it what it was cracked to be.

Wonderful films, wonderful actors - I'll defend these movies to the end.
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Cocoon the return for another check!
Aaron13756 September 2009
This sequel was not needed, no one clamored for it, but the first one did quite well (76 million in 1985) so they just had to try to milk this franchise for another go. Though I hesitate to call this a franchise, more like a nice little first film and a very unneeded sequel that destroys everything in the first one. So the old gang is back to once again help their alien friends get those cocoons. What have they done in the time they have been gone you ask? Well do not ask, you get nothing about the aliens and their way of life. You do get to see that a one week trip back to earth makes them very cranky very quickly. You also get to find out on of them is pregnant, how wonderfully creepy. I mean seeing them act young and stuff in the first one was good and all, but this is a step or two to far. Then you have your very awkward scene of the girl that liked Steve Guttenberg in the first one not able to control herself in a crowded restaurant. So the highly advance race of aliens can not even control themselves in public? I mean she is not only acting very badly, she is exposing herself as an alien to a crowded room. Just a sequel that should not have been, I hate the ending with some of the elders staying to be with their daughter and grandson, then I guess they get to die and considering these aliens that live forever, most likely no god in this universe so they get to be worm food, but hey the grandson will have gotten to know his grandparents and attended their funeral. Such fun to be had here.
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Basically a return from heaven to boring but tragic earth.
mark.waltz28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What really worked was the first film was attacked at all of the characters were personally involved, and here, they are together here and there but basically are separated by different storylines. Jack Gilford of the seniors gets more to do here and this time it's due to the presence of Broadway legend Elaine Stritch, joining several other fellow stage veterans Gilford, Don Ameche (her co-star in "Goldilocks" on Broadway), Gwen Verdon, Maureen Stapleton and the Tandy/Cronyn's. Stritch is quite different here than most of her later film parts, play a Bohemian Auntie Mame type who really wants to bring Gilford back to life. She rents cabins to the three couples returning and Gilford, and gets the most sparkling moments, equivalent to the previous year's "September" where Woody Allen cast her as a glamorous former movie star.

The gang is back to aide Tawny Welch and her gang to collect the remaining cocoons, and the trip back to Earth isn't necessarily a good thing. They are now back in the world of mortality, having come from basically a planet that could be called a variation of heaven, and their individual issues are overwhelming. Stapleton greatly misses her family and Wilford Brimley aides bullied grandson into standing up for himself. Hume Cronyn's previous illness returns but Jessica Tandy goes through a glorious wakeup only to face her own mortality. As for Ameche and Verdon, their situation is a bit more joyous.

Then there's the issue of one of the the Cocoons, ending up in the hands of the government and facing its own immortality, a disgusting truth of how rotten our species can be, even though the doctor in charge shows a heart. So once again, it's a mixture of tragedy and comedy, and the characters again are very likable with some twists and turns that are potentially tragic. It's easy to watch but a bit disjointed, yet not worth the criticism that it had not the time for being an unnecessary sequel. Out of the hands of Ron Howard's though, it's a missed opportunity. But there are a lot of nice moments and Stritch as an addition to the cast is most welcome.
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Sad awful movie
whatch-179314 January 2023
As another reviewer pointed out, this movie retreat feels exactly like the moment in the first movie where all the life energy was sucked out of the life pool.

At least that moment was entirely accidental, the result of these oldsters innocently playing, completely unaware they were doing any harm at all.

That is not the case with this film. You get it, of course we are here to enjoy the movies, but the studios are in business, making movies to make money.

And that's fine of course, but the original movie was an emotional powerhouse. Going back to the same characters and actors, considering the theme of these movies, is just incredibly cheap and disheartening.

In a sequel, sure, you usually want to see the same characters again. Not here. The first movie had a bittersweet happy ending that needed to be honored. Here, it's all but tossed aside just to drag these same people through the same heartache.

This, of all sequels, really needed a new cast. Sure, one or two from the first, but not a depressing retread of the original.
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Charming and nice sequel with similar ingredients to original movie
ma-cortes26 November 2022
An agreeable and heartwarming remake with a stunningly veteran cast make worthwhile seeing . The first outing concerned a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they encounter themselves energized with youthful vigor and they immediately begin to feel happiness and strength. Five years since the senior citizens blasted off into space with the Antareans return to earth because their alien friends have to collect the rest of the cocoons in the ocean, believed to be in danger from an earthquake . As the seniors return to Earth to visit their relatives and friends at the Sunny Groves Rest home. Will they all decide to go back to the planet where no one grows old, or will they be tempted to stay back on Earth?.Art, Ben and Joe are back! So are their wives and good friend Bernie in their first adventure since their last! . Ben and Mary visit their family, while Art and Joe visit Bernie, who's still hangin' on. Art, Ben and Joe had forgotten what it was like on earth and immediately begin to feel their weaknesses. Don Ameche , Hume Cronyn and Wilford Brimley have winning days and their ladies Gwen Verdon , Jessica Tandy and Maureen Stapleton are nor far behind. Beyond the innocence of youth, and the wisdom of age, lies the wonder of... Cocoon ! . Cocoon have aliens !. It is everything you've dreamed of. It is nothing you expect !. Best friends are forever !.

Cocooon : the return (1988) by Daniel Petrie boasts a similar cast than previous entry : Wilford Brimley , Don Ameche , Hume Cronyn , Jessica Tandy , Don Ameche , Courtney Cox , Steve Guttenberg , in which our elderly protagonists undertake a journey to the most wonderful place in the universe... home and the Antareans return to earth because their alien friends have to collect the rest of the cocoons in the ocean, believed to be in danger from an earthquake . An old cast join to play this sweet and attractive film in which the old stagers return after the young alien contact . The plot deals with some aliens : Tahnee Welch , that seem to live more or less forever , returning to earth after a long absence to pick up crewmen they left in pods at the bottom of sea and threatened by a quake . Intelligent and charming portrayals of the sympathetic protagonists make this enjoyable trip just about worthwhile. All this takes rather a long while to get going and one could do with more of the hot-blooded antics of the elderly trio and the women who share their secret . Although the first hour or so is fairly tedious , but the latter stages are frankly well with some affecting and touching moments . Interpretations are uniformly good carried out by a Hollywood old-star-studded , such as Wilford Brimley , Hume Cronyn , Jack Gilford ,Maureen Stapleton , Jessica Tandy , Gwen Verdon and Don Ameche , all of them giving sympathetic acting who you'll enjoy . And others youngest , such as : Barret Oliver , Courtney Cox, Linda Harrison , Tahnee Welch, and Steve Guttenberg.

It contains a colorful and bright cinematography by cameraman Tak Fujimoto. Long-standing and sensitive soundtrack by James Horner combining synthesizer along with orchestral musical score . The motion picture well played by all-star-cast was professionally directed by Donald Petrie . He was a director and producer, who died in 2004 , known for El chico de la bahía (1984), A raisin in the sun (1961) , Mark Twain and Me (1991) , Kissinger and Nixon (1994) , Lassie (1995) , The Assistant (1997) , Inherit the Wind (1999) , among others . Rating : 6/10. Worthwhile seeing.
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We missed you Ron Howard
spfi2 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*********WARNING POSSIBLE SPOILERS***************

At the end of the original 'Cocoon' the old folks left for everlasting life, true peace and security. So why return? Because sequels are a big business of course. A waste of time, talent and money. Perhaps it could have survived with a talented director, (hint: Ron Howard). Ranks with one of the worst sequels ever made.
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Why they returned?
elo-equipamentos26 October 2017
My first impression is why they did to return, why the reason, for me it's didn't stay enough clear, instead it's against the concept idea in first one, considering or suppose there no answer this sequel absolutely no make sense at all, apart the missing Cocoon in the US's laboratory all remains is barely dramatization of the question return or not, well besides the amazing casting have done again a good performance the movie didn't take off.


First watch: 1992 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 6
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Milking it dry
petegallows11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, so we need to come back to Earth, to save another bunch cocoons, because they're in danger...we only got 4 days, for whatever let's take all these pensioners back, but let's not worry about the cocoons too much. Yeah, let's focus on dancing instead, shopping and having fun, while one cocoon is being tested by the government and we are fully aware of it, we know it's dying - but hey, whatever, sucks to be him I guess. Let's go for a dinner instead. Life's too short, especially if you're that cocoon guy that's being tested.. Brian Dennehy probably read the script and said "yeah nah.." than he said, "OK, I'll give you half an hour of my time and you can use the 2 minute scene in this "film", nobody will watch it anyway. " The saved cocoons no longer need to be stored in a pool, oh nah mate, they're perfectly alright just sitting in the boat this time. The aliens no longer need to disguise themselves, the female alien is happy to let everyone in a restaurant know, that she's obviously not a human being. Because who cares anyway. The old couples are acting like they've been back for a few months, all settled in, the pregnant grandma..yes.. starts taking prenatal classes, the grandpa that had cancer/got cured is sick again and it's only been 2-3 days at that point! Why would you even go to see a doctor, when you're going back to space and you won't be sick anymore..Also, his wife gets hit by a car a he can cure her.. because they all have the curing alien energy now..but she for some reason, couldn't have cured herself? And he also can't cure himself...I get that it's a comedy, but there's zero consistency, the plot is also pretty much non existent, as nobody really cares about saving the last cocoon until the last 5 minutes of the film.
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A Wonderful Final Chapter!
ADORA17 October 1999
I found this movie to be an unexpected delight! It was engaging well written and executed, and it left me with a great feeling when it was over! What more could you ask for? Well how about the endearing performances, and chemistry between Hume Cronyn, and Jessica Tandy? Not to mention Don Ameche and Wilford Brimley. All together you have a fine film with many levels of warmth, and good humor. You'll love it! Watch and see!
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Not as strong as the first but worth watching
Harlekwin_UK17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Visiting old friends is often a pleasent, sometimes heart-rending event.

But rarely do you have to travel as far as these pals have...

Returning with their Antareen, alien chums, the small group of friends soon see what they have left behind. Although their first task is to help recover and protect the remaining Cocoons, it soon becomes clear that some of the team are going to make difficult decisions about whether they can leave their homes, family and friends again. This time there will be no return.

Although not as strong as the first, no Ron Howard this time, the movie is still worth watching. It helps expand on the choices made in the first movie and lays some now ground beneath the characters, allowing them to move on. The human condition is gently prodded and seen from an unusual angle in both Cocoon movies.

And once again that veteran cast tears through their younger brethren. Will Steve Guttenburg be remembered with the same fondness as Don Ameche? I doubt it.

Things to look out for: nasty scientists, OAP pregnency, difficult decisions,

Rating: not as strong as the first but worth watching, recommended.
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Don't bother, stick with the first one
HotToastyRag1 September 2021
I understand you're going to want to rent Cocoon: The Return, but you won't like it. Ron Howard, the director of the original, didn't even want anything to do with it, believing that the whole message of the movie would be destroyed by a sequel. He was right. And while I'm sure the cast had a blast reuniting and showing off their youth, it absolutely had a different flavor to it.

Also, if you put even the slightest bit of thought into it, you'll find the script is riddled with holes. Rather than keeping up the integrity of the first movie, it turned into a series of caricatures. "Wow, those old geezers can beat a group of youngsters in basketball!" "Aw, he sure does love his wife - and she's really his wife!" "Family is the most important thing in the world."

Believe me, if you liked the way the first movie ended, you will not like the direction the second movie takes. Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Maureen Stapleton, and Gwen Verdon all return for a few days to visit their old nursing home in Florida. They check in on Jack Gilford, who's very glad to see them and thinks they're going to stay permanently. But they've only come with Tahnee Welch, Tyrone Power Jr. And Brian Dennehy (who you'll have to wait a very long time to see) to retrieve the rest of the cocoons from the bottom of the ocean. After that, they plan on leaving again.

In the meantime, though, they have fun with all they've missed the past five years: ice cream, driving, playing basketball, frolicking with babes in the ocean, and partying in nightclubs. Elaine Stritch joins the cast as a wild party girl who tries to get Jack out of his shell. Jessica develops a sudden, irrelevant love of foster children. Barret Oliver is a teenager having trouble playing baseball, and Wilford gives him advice and coaching. And Don pops champagne after finding out the unlikely reason why Gwen fainted in the middle of a clothing boutique. But when the drama cuts in, it's really lousy. And don't even get me started on Courtney Cox's character, a scientist who discovers one of the cocoons and isn't the least bit shocked or scared to discover what's inside it. After I watched it, I did my best to put it out of my mind and just focus on the original Cocoon. There's no topping it, and after this one, no one will every try to again.
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