Fairly good adaption
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I liked it. Not the best "lovecraftian" movie or "cosmic horror" movie. Whuch may sound weird, since it is just that - an adaption of a Lovecraft story.

But out of the cosmic horror movies that is based on a Lovecraft movie, this is definitly one of the better.

Nicolas Cage steals the show. When he drop the guard on his otherwise over-the-top acting, we get something interesting. We get a family man who is doing the best to keep his family together and safe, while he slowly descends into madness. And it works fine.

The story works, even though I understand some of the critics when they say the story doesnt do HP Lovecraft justice. But it is nonetheless a pretty good horror movie.

There are of course a few marks on the bad side. Some of the effects feels a bit sloppy. Somewhere between a descent budget movie and a well made TV movie. The scene in which he kills the mishmash-alpacka-monster made me flat out cringe. It was suppose to be intense, with an awful looking monster getting killed in a river of blood and Nicolas Cage screaming and waving his gun (allmost, but not really, overacting). I could almost hear him think "what am I doing, this is so stupid".

Some of the dialougs could have been better written, sometimes it feels a bit stiff. But the actors are making the best out of what they got, so I'm still impressed.

Overall some pretty good scares, some good atmospheres, some good visual scenes, overall an entertaining popcorn movie.
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