Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Complete lack of respect for anything Star Trek
7 December 2021
Patrick Steward is a gifted actor, but thinking anything other falls under the halo effect. With the creative control he had, he added to the mess of all the newer Star Treks, adding his own flavour or something already unique by its own right. All the creative control, production and cast did not seem to understand and comprehend what made Star Trek so great. Star Trek was never about a post-apocalyptic future, where humanity has been corrupted and brought to its lowest point. Star Trek was always unique, in that, it always showed the best humanity has to offer and how this human beings occasionally have stave off corruption and discrimination. Much of Star Trek is humans solving external problems. This is for numerous literary reasons but for on, it enables the viewer to objectively observe the moral dilemmas involved and, if we want, we can relate this to our own problems(in reality). This has always been a strong point in Star Trek.

Star Trek Picard, and STD, has turned this idea upside down. They've focused on one character(Picard in this case) and made any objective moral dilemma non-existent. In Picard, everything is personal now. Every situation is emotional and in your face. There is no time to reflect, and what's worse, the whole method of story-telling and even the foundational principles of Star Trek has become altered. It's become exactly like all the other post apocalyptic sci-fi's, where survival is the main goal and anything else is secondary. Apart from this view, the show makes no sense even if it was not Star Trek. There are so many plot holes, inconsistencies with the story, no character development and in-your-face exposition, it makes watching Picard an absolute chore.

Funnily enough, even though it's the first Star Trek(eh) to name it's show about one character, it really isn't about Picard, at all. Its really about a character called Soji. Picard seems to be portrayed as someone who was egotistical. However, he was never like this in TNG. There are tons of continuity problems and some things just don't make any sense. Swearing being one of them. One of the main themes I picked up from Picard, and STD, is the continual belittlement of males in order to strengthen female characters. Picard will continually get shouted at, sworn at and play minor roles. He has very little impact on the story, is always second guessing himself(or someone else is) and his character seems more of a filler character than anything else.

Star Trek has always had social commentary, but Picard, and STD, type of story telling is poor and sexist. It's gone too far, but not because the topics are controversial but because the writers for the show are terrible. Picard is now overtly sexist with sexist commentary and obvious agendas. Understandably, the previous series always had some underlining sexism, because it was still made by people that lived in discriminating times, but this reduced as more Star Trek was released. However, Picard and STD, has, literally, increased and made sexism overtly apparent. Women characters have taken charge in the newer Star Trek at the expense of males. The problem with this 1: it's done incredible poorly, 2: it seems to run on the incorrect assumption that Star Trek fans are male chauvinists 3: because of 2 males are continually belittled. I honestly don't care if a crew is all female, hell, my favourite captain of all time is Captain Janeway, but everything put together makes this show an insult to a Star Trek fan or anyone who does not like the method in which they're telling their saga.

Every conceivable part of what made the original Star Treks great has now been distorted and disfigured. Star Trek is now edgy, resentful, in your face, angry and spiteful. Self reflection does not exist anymore. Conversing about moral dilemmas went does the toilet. I recommend no one watch this trash if they ever liked the previous series. If you're looking for food-for-thought look at the previous Star Treks or the Orville.
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