The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Terrible On All Levels
29 August 2021
You van go ahead and make a movie that's like a cross between Gaslight and Sleeping With The Enemy with a bit of a techie twist to it and call it 'The Invisible Man', but don't try and sell it off like it has anything to do with the H. G. Wells story. I wouldn't be surprised if the incognitive minds behind this had never even bothered to read the novel considering how it has absoloutley nothing in common, and just marketed it for the established intellectual property. And even if they made these decisions but the finished product turned out to be of some quality, it could be overlooked. However, that's not the case either; even if you judge the movie based off the filmmaker's intentions it's terrible. I could list everything wrong with it, but why bother. There isn't one facet, one moment in The Invisible Man that isn't flawed.
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