Your First Instinct Will Be to Avoid Watching This Movie - Always Go with Your First Instinct
29 January 2021
I recall hearing how great 'The Big Lebowski' was, it was not. I also remember all of the critical acclaim for 'O Brother, Where Art Thou', totally misguided. 'The Jesus Rolls' is based on a character from 'The Big Lebowski', so we're already in the hole. The plot line was very similar to 'O Brother Where Art Thou' which is akin to a butterfly fight, lots of movement but no direction and no conclusive result. It definitely had the Coen Brothers fingerprints.

Every major actor in the movie is overrated yet darlings of the Hollywood set.

Am I the only one offended that an actor of Italian-American descent was playing (and poorly at that) a Puerto Rican character?

The bright side of the movie was the early 1970's Plymouth. I believe they were trying to sell it as a Roadrunner.

When my DVR asked about deleting the movie when I was finished, I wish there was an option to remove it from history. It was just that bad.
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