Review of Joker

Joker (I) (2019)
Acting Cannot Save Mediocre Script
30 May 2020
They say it's all in the writing. And this is a great example of that. Good acting and production values cannot save a script steeped in tiresome stereotypes and a failure to delve into a character's identity. We meet the Joker when already imbalanced and his so-called descent into madness is really a couple weeks away; far from a descent, it's a stroll. This is not a character study, despite claims to the contrary. It's a showcase of a good actor overly contorting his body and laughing manically as a mistaken expression of madness. Where is the past? Where are the influences? Where are the conflicts? What are the seminal moments that create the spiral? Perhaps if he had really had that relationship, and had it gone sour, it would justify a descent. Instead, it's a fait accompli. This is lazy writing, focused more on fancy long shots of Joaquin Phoenix dancing crazily than producing something of value to the franchise.
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