Very intelligently crafted....just make sure you have some Kleenex nearby!
8 May 2020
I should warn you about "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood", the film might be difficult for some viewers. This is because the story is about a troubled relationship between a man and his father...and it may trigger a lot of personal issues for you as well. Now I am NOT saying don't watch it....just be prepared that it might just be tough for you if you are struggling with these sorts of personal issues. And, you might want to have some Kleenex nearby...and perhaps a loved one as well.

The story is not a biopic about Fred Rogers...though he is a major player in the story. Instead, it's a nice story about a reporter who has daddy issues....and his encounters with Rogers did a lot to change his life. At first, they met so that he could write a magazine article about Rogers...but they became friends during this process and Rogers had a huge impact on his life.

The acting and writing are great. Perhaps even better is the direction and script...they are marvelous and it sure shows as you watch this touching movie. Overall, a really effective and terrific story...one you will no doubt enjoy.
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