Antonio Banderas is on his way to Oscar ceremony
19 August 2019
(Antonio Banderas won Best Actor award at the Cannes festival because he played Almodóvar).

I know there are tons of autobiographical films about a painful past and unfinished business (in Hollywood), but Almodóvar reflects his own past very well.

Almodóvar's "Pain and Glory" is very beautifully shot and well-described autobiographical film about emptiness, recollection of the past and most importantly, about salvation. The film also describes well pain, sadness, self discovery, forgiveness, regret, all these feelings that the director is going through.

Without spoiling anything, the story is about a known Spanish director, Salvador Mallo, who reflects his choices made in his life (from his childhood to his cinema career) as past and present come crashing around him.

Almodóvar wanted to represent his life and memories from his life, bathred boundless desire to live and love that guide us to forgiveness with oneself and others. He's entering the stage where he's no longer have inspiration, but he uses his life as a cinema fiction. Almodóvar reflects mostly to his past as something painful and unfinished. Only with the return of ourselves, with coping with the painful past, we have the possibility to rehabilitate ourselves. As I mentioned, Antonio gives a great performance as a reconstructed fella with a passion.

I think whoever watched Almodóvar's previous pieces would enjoy from his new personal film about a person's valuable soul.
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