Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Game of Thrones
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I would give this an easy 10/10.. if season 8 didn't exist. But it does, unfortunately.

Season 1-6 10/10 Amazing, complex dialogue and intriguing logical story lines with strong character developments, shocking emotional moments and insane action scenes.

Season 7- 8/10 - still really good but seemed rushed and had some illogical moments that made no sense like the Ayra/Sansa fall out and the time/teleporting issues beyond the wall which revealed some lazy writing. But all in all filled with great moments and good set up for the final season.

Season 8- 2/10. I actually don't know where or start. Season 8 is a joke. Terrible writing. Nothing makes sense. The writers have butchered most character developments and given hardly any satisfying conclusions to their story arcs.

  • Brans story had no pay off at all and his whole role as the 3 eyed raven proved pointless against the Night King.

  • Jaime's redemption arc was cut off instantly with real no reason.

  • The Night Kings death was underwhelming. Infact all of episode 3 was poor, with no real structure and poorly written end to the main story line of the show. The battle was shockingly illogical and horrendous tactics. Zero white walker fights, limited deaths and ridiculous plot armour. Also editing was poor- some moments characters would be surrounded by hundreds of wights but then the next shot they were all gone. The plot armour ruined the battle of Winterfell. 'All' the Dothraki wiped out in seconds yet Samwell Tarly can fend them off. Laughable.

  • No Sansa and Cersei interaction of any sort which I would have liked to have seen. Although I appreciate this is just my personal disappointment rather than poor writing.

-Rhaegal taken down by first 3 shots, yet Drogon dodges an Iron fleets worth of Scorpions at Kings Landing, just to serve the plot. I guess Euron forgot about Dany's dragon and her forces.

-Jon does nothing all season (why was he resurrected if he didn't end the long night or atleast become King? The whole point of his resurrection is because the lord of light claimed he was needed alive). Speaking of Jon, what was the point of his lineage? It didn't change anything apart from give us unconvincing tension between him and Danaerys. I kind of like Danaerys going mad but it needed a lot more time and thought put into it - It went too far too fast with no substantial development to justify her killing thousands of innocent people. Again, Laughable. It needed seasons of planning and transitioning her character. After Dany's death it just skipped to Tyrion's trial and no one seemed phased over her death.

  • Anything that required any thought from the Writers was done off screen, like Arya and Sansa finding out about Jon's lineage.

  • Cersei, the clever mastermind who always has a deceitful plan up her sleeve does nothing but stand looking out of a window all season. What a waste of a character.

  • Ayra does not use her faceless abilities. How cool would it have been for something like Ayra shockingly kills Jaime in order to get his face and uses it to get close to cersei, she thinks she is safe then is stabbed whilst in the arms of her 'brother' who reveals to be Ayra. Atleast something like that may have been more satisfying a few bricks falling onto her.

  • Bran becomes king. Urghhh. He literally said countless times he could not be lord of winterfell or rule anymore. Why the sudden change of heart? No explanation? Oh typical.

  • Prince that was promised? Oh yeh let's forget about that too. Haha we fooled you audience.

However, my main issue was not with what happened but with how it all happened. Rushed and made no sense.

Major let downs and bad dialogue throughout. There are some good moments like Brienne being Knighted, but even that becomes ruined when she sleeps with Jaime- their relationship was so much nicer just being about honour and respect for one another. Have to appreciate effort by cast, visual and music crew and the few decent scenes as a whole.

Overall- 9/10 purely on S1-7.
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