Memento (2000)
A very strong contender for Christopher Nolan's best film
22 January 2017
Christopher Nolan has always struck me as a very talented film-maker, and most of his films are ones that have impressed me a lot. Even weaker efforts, where his ambition can get in the way, have a good deal to admire. His films are all impeccably crafted technically, and often entertaining and thought-provoking, also knowing how to get good performances out of talented casts.

'Memento' was not his first film, having directed 1998's 'Following', but has been considered by many the film that rose him to fame and brought the world's attention to him. Cannot disagree with this, and also that not only is 'Memento' his first great success but seventeen years later it gets my vote as his best film. It really makes one think hard about what is happening, crucial in a film where a lot of concentration is needed, without being treated like you are an idiot or dumber than you are. It is also one of the few Nolan films where it was difficult to find anything to fault.

As always with Nolan, 'Memento' is a wonderfully made film. The cinematography is slick and the production values in general are suitably gritty and audacious , with some scenes strongly reminiscent of film noir (as a fan of film noir that was great to see). David Julyan's synthesised (something that could have sounded tacky but actually adds a lot to the atmosphere) score makes very clever and dynamic use of distinct sounds, oppression, yearning, loneliness and loss having a haunting but also affecting vibe, the feeling of being lost adrift being perfectly captured.

Nolan directs impeccably, not letting his ambition get in the way of the storytelling, while the script is smart, thought-provoking and intricate without trying too hard and treating the audience with respect. The pacing is taut while deliberate, and the length, after seeing some later efforts that have suffered from over-length and over-ambition ('Interstellar'), was ideal.

It is the story that makes 'Memento' Nolan's most fascinating film, with a unique non-linear, time-reversed structure with two converged time-lines. That sounds on paper confusing but with Nolan telling the story in an intricate, tense and atmospheric way (meaning that he takes his time telling the story) it makes perfect sense, with beautifully interwoven use of thematic motifs of memory, guilt, perception, self-deception and grief and a stunningly moving ending that one does not expect.

Guy Pearce is astonishing and give one of his career's best performances, don't think from personal view that he's been as good as this since. He gets excellent support from particularly Joe Pantoliano and even Carrie-Ann Moss.

Overall, a brilliant film and a contender (my personal vote certainly) for Nolan's best film. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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