Still great
10 April 2006
You have to give it up for a movie that casts Michael Madsen as pretty much the only sane guy in existence. Thelma (Geena Davis) and Louise (Susan Sarandon) go off from their banal existences to a trip that heads up poop creek really REALLY fast. After shooting dead a would-be rapist, they both head for the hills where the law, personal freedom and, yes, Brad Pitt await! I hadn't seen this in quite a number of years, and it was great to come back to. I remembered a lot of it, but I noticed particularly this time the strong performances of not only of Davis and Sarandon, but of Harvey Keitel, Madsen (who is actually amazing), Pitt, and quite underplayingly, Christopher Mcdonald. Ridley Scott puts these elements all together in one explosive package.
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