
77 Reviews
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Almost unwatchable
18 May 2024
It's an overrated boring movie. It's too outdated and painful to watch now.

Only the 2003 and 2006 movies in the Texas Chain Saw Massacre series were good. The rest are a complete waste of time.

Even the 2013 movie was better than this.

Those who gave it high review ratings probably because they see this movie as classic and nostalgic, but there is nothing objective about these reviews.

I don't recommend taking seriously anyone who gives this movie more than four points...

It's an overrated boring movie. It's too outdated and painful to watch now.

Only the 2003 and 2006 movies in the Texas Chain Saw Massacre series were good. The rest are a complete waste of time.

Even the 2013 movie was better than this.

Those who gave it high review ratings probably because they see this movie as classic and nostalgic, but there is nothing objective about these reviews.

I don't recommend taking seriously anyone who gives this movie more than four points.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
So boring
7 May 2024
I don't know, but it was a boring show. The pace of the episodes is very slow and the action is very little. You expect more action in a series called Punisher, but I didn't find what I was looking for.

Still, the action scenes were good, but I don't feel like wasting 25 hours just to see one or two fight scenes. These scenes alone don't make a series of 26 episodes, with an average of 1 hour each, watchable.

The action scenes in The Punisher series feel like an insufficient amount of spice to a dish. You can barely taste it. Instead of spending so much time with a series that is not interesting at all, watching videos on Youtube where the action scenes of the series are compiled would save time at least.

I stopped after watching 4-5 episodes because I actually fell asleep during the last episode. As for the drama aspect of the series, I couldn't care about any of the characters so that part was pointless.

It just increased the number of scenes with a lot of unnecessary dialog that I had to listen to and watch. That was the main reason that prevented me from continuing to watch the series. After season 2, I'm not surprised that the series didn't continue.
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A wasted sequel with the wrong script and director
25 April 2024
Slow pace, weak story, one dimensional characters and unimpressive action scenes. Although I didn't like Casino Royale much, Quantum of Solace was boring as hell even in comparison. At a certain point I stopped caring about what was going on and started watching the movie at 2x speed just to get to the action scenes. Luckily the movie did well at the box office and more than covered its budget, but the fact that 200 million dollars was spent on this movie is frankly beyond me. There is nothing in the movie to justify this budget. This movie could easily have been made for less than half of this budget.
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The Forgotten City (2021 Video Game)
Very slow and boring
16 March 2024
It's just a dialogue simulator with RPG mechanics. I played the game for a little over 1 hour, but it failed to capture my interest. The amount of dialogue we had to listen to complete the main and side missions managed to overwhelm me.

As soon as you start the game it's like you're entering a grind fest. Everything about the game feels like an unbearable chore. On the other hand, even though I completely turned off motion blur and increased the sharpness, the graphics of the game still look very blurry.

Since the game was developed by a small team, everyone generally praised it for support purposes, but unfortunately it did not seem like an interesting enough game to be worth my time. Such a dialogue-oriented game should also offer variety in gameplay so that the player does not get bored.

Just walking around, listening to dialogue, and then looking around for notes makes the game boring enough for me to ignore it, even if it has an interesting story.
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Attack on Titan (2013– )
Pure suffering
15 March 2024
It's been a long time since I stopped caring about the series, but I wanted to do this review anyway to show how much I hate it.

After the first season, I had to force myself to watch every episode, often fast-forwarding through painfully paced episodes.

After 10 years, when I finally came to the end of the series, the only thing I can remember about the whole horrible watching process is that I wanted to kill myself out of boredom more than once.

Honestly, the experience was so bad that I lost interest in all anime after watching Attack on Titan. I only gave this rating for the sake of the first season.

As a result, it gives me a little peace of mind to know that the series is really over and will not continue.
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The Big Short (2015)
A confusing and not gripping script
9 March 2024
Despite a good cast that cannot easily come together, the script of the movie was too full of details to be entertaining for everyone to watch. In short, if you are not a banker or not interested in banking, this is a movie that you will watch for 2 hours without understanding anything and getting bored.

The Big Short is very complicated compared to a similar movie, The Wolf of Wall Street. Although that movie deals with a subject that a certain group of people can understand better, it can also progress without boring those who have no interest in it.

The Big Short, on the other hand, I feel like I've filled my head with a lot of unnecessary information that I've never been interested in, never heard of, and can't fully understand that won't be of any use to me. Also, the fact that the actors constantly break the fourth wall and start talking directly to the viewer makes it difficult to take what's going on seriously. Even in Deadpool, this doesn't happen this often.

The film is also listed as a comedy, but I didn't even notice that. There is nothing funny about this movie. Everyone is too serious. Finally, what makes it difficult to watch is the length of the movie. If it was around an hour and a half instead of two hours, maybe I could accept it, but it's not possible for me to watch a movie that I can't both understand and laugh at for that long.
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One of the worst movies of all time
8 March 2024
I had a hard time finishing this movie even though I fast forwarded, and when I reached the end, it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Even Thor couldn't carry this awful movie. It's supposed to be a movie that tries to make fun of clichéd things in other movies, but it does so by becoming one of the things it's trying to make fun of and being worse than all of them put together. There is nothing funny, horror or thriller and interesting about this movie. It's just a complete waste of time. They added most of the scenes just to fill the 1 hour and 30 minutes. Even if you skip the first hour completely, you don't lose anything, but there is nothing good in the last half hour compared to the first hour. It's just a bunch of ridiculous creatures running around with outdated CGI. It's unfortunate that this movie got such high ratings.
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Not for me
7 March 2024
I have mixed feelings about this movie. I've tried to watch it a few times over the years but I remember getting bored and giving up before I even got to the middle of it. Unfortunately, the pace, the script and the length of the movie make it very difficult and it's a great achievement for the viewer not to fall asleep while watching it. I will update the rating if I can finish it in the future, but I don't think I will give it higher than 6 because this is not a war movie that will appeal to me no matter what. It's more of an artistic movie that uses the war setting. Before you spend 3 hours, you should consider this fact about the movie. Because if you continue to watch a movie you don't like from the beginning with false expectations, you will see that nothing gets better and the whole watching process becomes painful. At least I will watch it in my free time just to finish it and I have no other purpose other than that.
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The series now needs a faster pace and more action
5 March 2024
I would have given it a very low rating if it hadn't picked up the pace in the last half hour and ended in a satisfying way because the pace of the first 2 hours of the movie was slow enough to push my tolerance limits. Not much was added to it compared to the first movie and I think I liked the first movie more. I was expecting to see more action in the second movie. Although this was a good movie on its own, overall it was not a good sequel that met my expectations and that's why I don't think it was worth the 3 year wait. In the third and final movie, I hope the story picks up pace because I'm bored of listening to 3 hours of bland characters dialogue in limited locations in the desert.
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Days Gone (2019 Video Game)
Despite Sony and its low budget, it's a very successful game and a sequel should come
26 February 2024
Days Gone is an action game set in post-apocalyptic north America, devastated by a mysterious virus. The story of Days Gone takes place two years after the outbreak of a global virus that has turned millions of people into mindless zombies called "freaks" by the survivors. Played by Sam Witwer, the protagonist is a former member of a motorcycle club struggling to come to terms with the loss of the love of his life and the world he knew.

While trying to survive in the new apocalypse, the hero travels the devastated west coast of North America with his best friend and works for the groups as a bounty hunter. During the game, players can explore a large map, searching for resources and items that can be used for crafting. Among the enemies to fight are humans and various victims of viruses, with armies of several dozen enemies.

With large zombie hordes, it is not possible to survive in a direct conflict. For this reason, the key to survival in the game is to stay away from large zombie hordes and when you have to fight, destroy them by acting tactically. Days Gone has an average of 40-50 hours of gameplay.
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Doesn't make meaning for new players on PC
26 February 2024
It's not very well optimized on PC. On the other hand, the game is really completely linear, there's no replayability and if you watch a video about the game, it's like you've played the game because the things to do are always the same. On PS, if you didn't get nostalgic for the Uncharted series years ago, it's not going to make much meaning for you now when you play it for the first time on PC. What makes the boring pace of the game even worse is that there are always hidden things to find and puzzles to solve. It would have been better if they had started with the first trilogy in order instead of releasing the last games of the series directly on PC.
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Immortals Fenyx Rising (2020 Video Game)
I hate puzzles
26 February 2024
The game offers nothing graphically, but it has an incredibly bad optimization. I don't understand what kind of system requirements they're expecting for graphics that look like mud. Immortals Fenyx Rising also reminded me of how much I hate puzzles in games. There's always a bit of puzzles and riddles in these kinds of games, but they're not much of a problem when they're just rare side content. The player should be able to choose whether or not to interact with this content, but when you make it a core gameplay mechanic, the whole game becomes a chore. I decided to play the game because the genre is categorized as Action, Adventure, RPG, not because I wanted to solve ridiculous puzzles every minute. Finally, Zeus and Prometheus, the narrator characters in the game, blabber too much. Their constant attempts to be funny make their dialog even more mediocre.
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Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 Video Game)
Good graphics alone do not make a game worth playing
26 February 2024
Although it's not an RPG and the gameplay is completely linear, it has an unnecessarily large map. The universe was very forced and clichéd. The main character seems one dimensional and very boring. I don't usually like playing female characters in games anyway. The only good thing about it is the graphics, but that's not one of the things I look for in games as a priority. Gameplay and story are more important to me and these aspects of Horizon Zero Dawn don't seem worth my time. Instead of being full of unnecessary repetitive interactions, the map should have been smaller but with more meaningful interactions. It would also be better if we could make choices in the game that would affect the story. If we couldn't customize our character's appearance, we could at least decide their gender. These are the simplest things anyone can think of, but the developers of Horizon Zero Dawn only cared about the graphics, but what they don't understand is that graphics are the least lasting thing about a game. A few years after release, that aspect is already getting old. But a good story and gameplay mechanics can carry a game forward for many, many years.
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The Last of Us: Part I (2022 Video Game)
Days Gone is better
26 February 2024
It was one of PlayStation's worst PC ports ever. A year after its release, it's still unplayable. And it will never be fully fixed because the updates only included simple improvements for higher-end systems. There's no reason to play The Last of Us on PC when you already own a similar game, Days Gone, and the developers themselves have admitted as much by releasing The Last of Us in a horribly unoptimized state. I don't know which team worked on porting this game to PC, but if I were a Sony executive, I would fire them immediately and sue them for damages for their sloppy work. These people should be banned from working anywhere in the games industry ever again. The only reason for the game's recent positive ratings spike is the interest in the TV series and the nostalgia-obsessed fanbase on PS. Otherwise you need a $2500 PC to actually play this game. You can buy five PS5 consoles with that money.
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Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2018 Video Game)
Unbearably terrible combat
23 February 2024
The main problem of the whole Pathfinder series is primarily combat. Neither real-time nor turn-based mods work well and it pushes my tolerance limits as a player. They could have looked at Divinitiy Original Sin 2 as an example when developing these games. The turn-based combat system in the first Original Sin game was horrible, but the second was improved to near perfection. Games like this should either have a turn-based combat system like Divinity Original Sin 2 or a real-time combat system like Dragon Age Origins. Anything in the middle is mediocre and makes gameplay impossible. Also, the mediocrity of the combat mechanics makes it very difficult to see the good points of the games. At least Owlcat Games has managed to add turn-based combat that is close to DOS 2 in their newly released Rogue Trader. The combat still lacks smoothness, but at least there is an improvement now. But this is why I will never really like the Pathfinder series.
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State of Decay 2 (2018 Video Game)
The idea is good but the execution is very bad
22 February 2024
Although the game is owned by Microsoft, it looks like an Indie game. It's been updated for years, but there are no noticeable changes. The biggest problem with the game is that it doesn't have a story with a cinematic presentation that can be followed. The game was made entirely for online purposes. The only objective is to build a base and then defend it against zombies after upgrading it. When you play alone it gets boring and repetitive very fast. There's really nothing to do in the game because everything feels pointless. The game only looks good as an idea on paper. They didn't have the budget to really develop it, so as a real game they couldn't really make it reflect the way it should. What I'm most curious about is the budget of this game. I've seen much better work come out of indie games developed with Kickstarter donations. Not only do they not care enough to allocate a budget for this series, but they've been releasing updates and trying to improve it for years. The contradiction the developers are in seems funny now. I don't know how the third game will be, but it's sure to feel very dated compared to the year it was released.
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Crusader Kings II (2012 Video Game)
Terrible interface and lack of tutorials that make gameplay mediocre
21 February 2024
Compared to the third game, it looks like a complete game in terms of content, but unfortunately the interface of the second game is terrible. The only thing the third game can do better than the second game is to simplify the interface. The second game, on the other hand, doesn't even have a proper tutorial. All of this combined unfortunately makes it hard to look at the second game in a positive light because it prolongs the learning process beyond belief. The game doesn't have enough language support, so if English isn't your first language, you won't be able to understand everything. Finally, there's a lot of DLC and without it you can't play the game because the main game is essentially a demo. After you get all the DLCs, you reach the main game.
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A poorly executed hybrid genre
17 February 2024
The game is going through a major identity crisis. It is not clear whether it is a cRPG or an RTS. It tries to be both at the same time and fails at both. It didn't bother me at all that the game is not a pure RTS. But it would have been better if it was a pure RPG and the RTS mechanics were completely removed from the game, or vice versa. As it is, it's caught between two game genres and it's pretty mediocre. Relic Entertaintment, on the other hand, has become one of the worst game developers I've ever seen, because the terrible gameplay mechanics that they've persistently maintained since the first game in the series, with no interest in fixing or changing them, are still there in the second game. The unit controls are pretty horrible. I mean, has nobody in the development team ever played a game from the Age of Empires series in their life? Units never follow your orders as they should, and they never move where you direct them on the map without getting stuck. And they still won't let you change the controls of the game! I've played hundreds of games in my life and this is the first time I've ever seen a game series where I can't change the controls. Everything else about the game, including the default controls, has been terrible since the first game. They tried to add RPG mechanics to the game, but we need an active pause to be able to use the units' special abilities without missing the timing, but they can't even add that because they have no idea what they're doing. They don't know how to make an RTS or a cRPG game. Games Workshop probably regrets now that they didn't give Blizzard the rights to develop the Warhammer games at the time, because not only did they make Blizzard a bigger company than they could have been, but they also failed to make the Warhammer games as successful and popular as they should have been. At least they could take Blizzard's example in making these games, but they can't even do that. Arrogance is unfortunately such a harmful thing. At least thanks to them, the Warcraft game series was created.
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Unnecessary standalone DLC
17 February 2024
Soulstorm, the final expansion of the first Dawn of War, features almost identical gameplay to Dark Crusade, with a few changes.

They could have combined it with Dark Crusade instead of releasing it separately. Again, it has a very shallow campaign mode that consists of capturing certain areas on the map to win. What I don't understand about the Warhammer 40K series in general is why they've spent decades writing a massive backstory lore spanning hundreds of books. Because they never had the intention of making a story-oriented game that would truly reflect these. If your goal is story, I recommend you stay away from Dark Crusade and Soulstorm DLCs. Their story content is so superficial that it barely fills even a few pages, and their gameplay is frustrating and boring. You can learn whatever story they are telling by opening it and reading it on the Wiki page.
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No campaign
17 February 2024
I didn't have much fun with the main game in this series either, but the linearly chaptered gameplay, for all its unbalance, at least gives you a purpose, even if it's a bad one, to keep going and you can finish it. But In Dark Crusade, it's just a matter of capturing every point on the map to win, and it's not a fun or narrative campaign. It's just a few pages of text and very short, generic cutscenes. It was made for online gameplay in time for those who like the races in 40K. If your goal is the story, there's no reason to continue after a few hours of single player play and not only is there no story, but the gameplay is unbalanced and difficult because of the terrible AI. Compared to the main game of the series and the previous DLC, there have always been suggestions from some players to play Dark Crusade first, but despite all the problems of the other games, at least they have a campaign. This one continues to have problems and limitations with unit controls and doesn't offer a campaign. With such a problematic gameplay, I don't understand why this 40K game is included in the lists of the best RTS games of all time. Those who make such lists probably either don't really play the games or are nostalgia-obsessed fans.
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (2011 Video Game)
Nothing special
17 February 2024
When I heard that a new game was coming out, I decided to play it again to remember the first game. I played it years ago and frankly I didn't think there was anything worth remembering about it. The maps are a bit too small and limited. This makes the game too linear compared to similar games. It's an average game except that the graphics look horrible nowadays and the AI companions are useless. It can be played if you like hack and slash games and if you are interested in the Warhammer universe like me. The graphics of the upcoming second game look nice, but it's unclear how story-driven it is. From what I've seen from the gameplay videos, it looks more like a boring online game. I hope it's not just online focused. There's a lot of content in the Warhammer series, but we haven't seen a game in any game genre in years that really uses it in the right way.
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Campaign is extremely unbalanced
17 February 2024
Compared to the main game, the graphics look a bit better. But the difficulty of the campaign is very unbalanced. In the third part of the human campaign we have to lead the Eldar against the orcs. We have no resources and are asked to fight an almost infinite number of enemies. The people who designed these levels probably didn't really intend for the players to play, but for them to get bored and quit. The campaign maps are also unnecessarily large. Probably more than 50% of the maps are unused during missions, or when you remove the fog of war, there's nothing interesting or accessible about those areas. It's just a way to extend the gameplay. In situations where we had to constantly switch between Humans and Eldar or Orcs and Chaos, it was extremely boring. The fact that the DLC packs have to be installed separately from the main game is also ridiculous. The developers of Winter Assault could have used a similar game, Warcraft 3, as an example when creating the campaign, because as far as I can see they have no idea what they are doing.
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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (2004 Video Game)
Still sells today, but too outdated to be playable
17 February 2024
The game is really not in good shape right now. Even though Dawn of War came out 2-3 years after Warcraft 3, it has a lot of shortcomings compared to it. The game can't go full screen in 1080p. The game is not so old that it doesn't support 16:9 resolution. It's been an option in games since the early 2000s. The only reason for this is the laziness of the game's developers, there is no other explanation. You can't even change the key controls. The camera is too close to the map and this makes it difficult to control the units in the game. Your units can also get stuck in the environment or each other while moving, making progress completely impossible. Even though the game has sold close to 10 million copies and is still selling, the developers can't even be bothered to make a simple update that would allow us to change the in-game controls and make the game run in full screen at 1080p. If you're still selling the game, at least show some respect for your players and make these simple QoL updates.
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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019 Video Game)
Not my cup of tea
13 February 2024
The Souls-like game formula has never appealed to me, unfortunately. So Sekiro was no exception. I don't like linear gameplay that only focuses on killing bosses through trial and error. Story presentation and smooth gameplay are more important to me. Difficulty should only be increased on demand. The gameplay of a single difficulty level should not be imposed by the game itself. I should be able to shape the gameplay according to my own standards. I don't want to adopt a style that has sharp boundaries and is not fun in the twisted mind of the game's developer. But there is a large audience of people who like to torment themselves.
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A cheap attempt to exploit the money of the nostalgia-obsessed fan base
13 February 2024
This is not the so-called remastered version this game deserves. Compared to the original version, the Enhanced Edition contains no improvements that come close to today's standards. If you're not a hardcore fan with nostalgic feelings, you can understand that this game seems almost impossible to play anymore. The game is completely outdated now. I hope a proper remake or at least a remastered version of the first two games will be released in the future, with a serious overhaul of the graphics and gameplay mechanics so that we can experience this legend in today's terms. Beamdog really did a terrible job, there's nothing else to say.
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