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A plea to HBO and Netflix
20 May 2024
I'll start by admitting that this show was practically made for me. I love shows and movies like this, where humans have been in space for a while and are starting to settle it. The entire premise of this show was tailored specifically to my tastes, it felt like.

As I watched the show, I fell in love with the characters, the complex world-building that came with the planet Vesta, the animation style, and the voice performances. I was enamored with the ecosystem the animators invented on Vesta. It was so creative and complex and beautifully contrasted the simple season arc of "get to the Demeter". It unpacked some heavy and existential ideas, and was an overall creative and wildly original entry into the "alien planet" category of the science fiction genre. I've recommended it to so many of my friends, and I was gutted when I found out that Season 1 would be it's only.

This is a show that, in twenty, ten, even as little as five years' time, will be remembered as a show that deserved more. This show deserves to find its' audience. I would comfortably put money on this show becoming wildly successful with a dedicated fan base if it got to grow and expand into more seasons.

So, in the off chance that someone from HBO or Netflix that has control over this kind of thing sees this, PLEASE RENEW THE SHOW. Give her the fighting chance she deserves!
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A glorious return to form
13 April 2024
This movie was far and away my favorite movie from 2023. I know I'm biased; I'm already a massive Godzilla fan. But, this was a movie that I went in to see with high expectations, and this movie met and demolished them.

Minus One boasts stunning visual effects and kaiju carnage that any Godzilla movie promises, but the human drama really takes center stage. The story follows a disgraced kamikaze pilot in immediate postwar Japan, and boy was that a genius decision. The characters in this movie are so compelling and so real that Godzilla's presence became truly terrifying instead of awesome. I often found myself in stunned silent shock, and by the end I was on the verge of tears.

While Minus One takes some cues from the 1954 original in terms of the themes it explores, it isn't a complete replica. Godzilla represents something a little different this time. Minus One instills a sense of hope by it's end instead of the tragic dread that the 1954 original leaves you with. Instead of highlighting man's self-destructive nature, it decides to give us a reason to want to live to see tomorrow.
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Great premise, disappointing turn
26 February 2024
This movie seemed really promising initially. A Ranger getting wrapped up in a missing person's case with her own missing loved one in her past? Sign me up.

But it didn't go that route. Without spoiling too much, it decided to go a trippy, metaphorical route without establishing enough about this character and her own memories. It was just a scape of meaningless hallucinations for most of the movie. That kind of thing only works if there's a reality check often enough that we get scared questioning what's real and what's not. Instead, I was wondering when the unreal stuff was going to finally end.

The ending was incredibly disappointing and overall mid. If you ask me, not worth the runtime. Watch The Ritual instead if you want spooky woods with a paranormal twist about grief.
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He found it!!!
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is beyond me how a screwball sitcom about five of the most terrible human beings on this planet-where slurs and the crudest language possible are regularly used, while making the dumbest and most vile decisions ever- could possibly have handled Mac's arc of coming out as gay with the sincerity and sensitivity of some of the most critically acclaimed queer films. It just doesn't make sense.

I had heard a lot about the finale of this episode before I finally sat down and binged the show, but now having the added context makes it so much more meaningful and heartfelt. You can tell a lot of thought went into not just this episode, but also into the way Mac finally came out to the gang in season 12, as well as Mac's starting to come to terms with his identity in the season 11 finale.

A lot of thought and heart was put in, and the show kept going as normal, because yeah it's a big deal Mac finally found his pride, but he's still Mac, the gang's still the gang, and it's always gonna be sunny in Philadelphia.
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Mac has his day
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has such a great premise and really allows for the ridiculous dialogue the cast has to shine, but what I wasn't expecting was for this episode to be the one that Mac finally came out in. The unexpected coming out as well as the resolution of the episode were so oddly sweet and touching, and it still felt genuine to the show. You can tell that- even though there were slurs, lewd jokes, and that trademark cruelty each of the characters show to each other- the topic of Mac finally coming to terms with his sexuality was treated with seriousness and sensitivity and results in one of the few truly happy endings in the series.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Goofy, girly, and gorgeous
25 July 2023
I knew going into Barbie that I was in for a visual feast. The trailers showcased the wonderful set design, costumes, and performances already. But I was not expecting how affecting this movie would be.

Greta Gerwig proves for yet a third time that women's stories are worth telling with Barbie. Only she could look at the plastic empire and find a story about what it means to be a woman in a society that hates them. What's miraculous is she does this all while also proving that men still suffer in an unequal society as well. It's such a careful examination of the culture we live in, but it's also absolutely hysterical and includes some of the hardest laughs I've had at the movies all year.

I know Greta's next project is a massive IP blockbuster, and while some might be worried that she's selling out, I'm not. She'll find new meaning to add in whatever she does.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
The best finale given the weird left turn in the last 4 episodes
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really did not like the mid season time jump at all. It felt weird and out of character to me, and just overall outlandish.

But, given the time jump, I do think that this finale is probably the best it could have been. I thought the fake Barry movie at the end was hilarious and also offered a scathing critique of what Hollywood does to real stories. I also thought Barry's death was perfectly done. It was exactly what he deserved and funny enough that it still fit the humor of the show.

I do think this show just deserve better in the end, though. "All things considered" is not a great endorsement for a series finale to have.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Real end to a real show
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched this finale the first time, I remember feeling slightly unsatisfied. I thought the show needed just one more season to really put a button on things.

But that's not how life is, is it? It doesn't wrap things up in a neat little bow and things don't go the way we plan. Even though I still sort of feel like I needed more, I think that that actually is one of the finale's strengths. Life goes on. Like we know Ken's gonna either find something new or live off his billions for the rest of his days. Well, either that, or he kills himself. But that's up to you to decide!

All things considered, it's an outstanding ending. Watching Ken walk through the park and look at the water but not go in as has frequently been the motif with his character, absolutely gutted at having lost his entire life, felt pretty poetic. I'm happy they brought back the waiter story, as that needed to bite Ken in the ass before the show ended. And then there's Shiv's tragedy of an ending of becoming her mother and getting shut out of a man's game yet again, Tom winning the company (even if he is just a puppet for Matsson) because in the end he was the most like Logan, wasn't he? And Roman being the wisest of all and just getting the hell out.

This show was just such a real thing. The writing, the acting, the way it was shot, it all felt so real and three dimensional. The fact that the creators could pull that off while still making it Shakespearean as hell is one of the most impressive feats of modern television.

I'm gonna miss this show forever, and even though I want more, I hope I never get it. They called it a day at the right time. It's perfect as is.
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Ice Merchants (2022)
Quiet and beautiful
18 February 2023
Out of all of the Academy Award nominees in the category this year, this film was by far my favorite, and I hope that it takes home the trophy come March.

Not only did it have a beautiful art style a creative premise, but the story itself really affected me.

I'm a sucker for animated projects without any dialogue, and I think this project perfectly exemplifies why. The story was simple yet impactful, and was universal so that anybody- no matter where they're from or what language they speak- could understand and empathize with it.

Ice Merchants to me was the clear winner of the nominees this year, and it's certainly worth fifteen minutes of your time.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
One of the best episodes of television I've ever seen
3 February 2023
I know people are seeing the lower rating than the first two episodes and think that this episode must be the weak spot.

That could not be further from the truth.

Those that are rating this episode low, of the reviews that were left, are claiming it's "political propaganda" and that the characters we get to know in this episode are not true to the game.

Although the episode is a massive departure from the source material, they built off of subtext that was present in the game and used that to create a beautiful, self-contained story that still reflects the themes present in the whole series.

If those people are upset that the series is not just doing a shot-for-shot remake of the game, I urge them to replay the game and let the show become its own piece of art. They can coexist while not being replicas of each other.

The tender and bittersweet story we watch unfold in this episode was a welcome break from the death and destruction we've seen in the first two episodes, and it fits beautifully into Joel and Ellie's story we've seen so far. It served as a lovely reminder that even in a terrible place like a world infected with cordyceps, you can still find things worth fighting for.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Hard pass, but fun closing credits!
2 January 2023
The trailer looked fun but I was MASSIVELY disappointed. It was just terrible. I'm sure it was supposed to be a fable, or an allegory, but my god it was just so boring and just had no real rhyme or reason. There was so much pointless garbage and it mulled on things it didn't need to. It just felt like a genuine waste of time.

The only two saving graces in the movie were the visuals, which were fun and bright, and the closing credits. Honestly, it's worth heading over to Netflix just to watch those. It's a fun ensemble dancing scene in a grocery store with a punchy pop song over it. But aside from that, steer clear.
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1899 (2022)
Just a massive disappointment
29 November 2022
I was very excited for this show because I loved Dark, it's one of my favorite shows. Then, when I found out they were gonna take a Lost-style approach by introducing a new character backstory in each episode I got even MORE excited. It seemed like I was going to get a new exciting web of mystery to untangle.

Unfortunately, this show was more dedicated to having crazy twists and surprises than making sure they made any sense. It got goofy after the fourth-ish episode, and the final reveal in the season finale made everything we had watched and learned in the season completely moot. Sure, it set up what could possibly be an interesting second season, but it sacrificed all the character development of the first to do so.

That's not to say the entire show was a complete waste of time. It was beautifully made. The production, acting, and overall quality was great. It's just a shame it was wasted on such a silly and nonsensical story.
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Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
By far the series' best
7 February 2022
An absolutely nail-biting and cringe-inducing watch from start to finish. Zendaya certainly sealed the deal on her next emmy. By far my favorite episode of the show, and honestly one of my favorite episodes of television ever.
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The most Wes Anderson movie Wes Anderson has ever made
19 October 2021
I suppose my only qualm with this movie is that it's very talky (as many of his films are), and if you have a short attention span like myself, it can be easy to miss important dialogue. I had to ask the friend I was with for explanation on one or two things I didn't fully comprehend. However, once you really immerse yourself in the world of the film, you'll miss less and less.

This film was an absolute delight from start to finish. I thought each of the three stories were captivating in their own, unique way (though I definitely liked Chalamet's the most), and the bookends about Murray's character tied everything together perfectly.

Anderson has this marvelous talent for luring you into his fantastical films with unbelievable set design and whimsical details and oddly delightful performances, and then hitting you over the head with reality. There are plenty of moments in this film that truly struck me in a profound way, especially one during story two that included a stellar performance from Alex Lawther, who expertly utilized what little screen time he had. One line of dialogue still haunts me hours later.

It's also one of his funniest movies; the absurdity of some of the visuals and performances are really a sight to behold. The cartoon sections in the third story had me ROLLING for a good few minutes.

So go see it. It's wildly original and has that trademark Wes Anderson touch dialed up to 11.
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Literally just Pro-Life Propaganda
24 September 2021
I watched this entire franchise with my friends and we had a great time, except for this movie. This one felt gross.
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CODA (2021)
Do yourself a favor and go see CODA as soon as you can
11 August 2021
First and foremost, on a general note, it's been incredible to see the amount of accurate and respectful deaf representation in cinema recently. From this, Sound of Metal, and the Quiet Place franchise (and hell, even the use of ASL in Godzilla v. Kong), actual deaf actors and the deaf community are getting the representation in cinema they deserve. This movie is no exception.

Further, the predominantly deaf audience I had the privilege of seeing this film with at an advance screening in Chicago was elated to find that captions would be provided ON SCREEN, and not with captiview equipment. Hopefully, this film helps usher this accessibility in as a standard, and not an exception.

Now, focusing on CODA specifically, it's not the greatest film ever made by any means. After a second watch, I'd sooner use the word "alright" than "outstanding". But, it was still great to see deaf representation on screen, and there were plenty of laughs and enough heartstring tugs to maintain an engaging story. It's not groundbreaking, but it's a feel-good story anyone can enjoy.
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Godzilla (1954)
A tragic horror masterpiece
26 June 2021
For the longest time, I truly thought that cinema before 1970 wasn't worth my time. Godzilla was the first time I truly connected with an "old" movie. The titular monster is a perfect symbol for the suffering and fear the nation of Japan felt post-World War 2. Although the "scares" don't really hold up in the present day, the tragedy and sorrow is still incredibly present.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
It's no masterpiece but y'all are mean
20 May 2021
It's not a masterpiece by any means. It drags a little and includes some unnecessary stuff, but I thought that it did a great job keeping up stakes and asked some pretty heavy questions about life and sacrifice that kept it interesting. I'm genuinely surprised to see this many really low reviews. It's not winning any awards, but it's definitely worth a watch on a night in.
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A spectacular final note for Boseman
26 December 2020
The film definitely seems like a movie that was adapted from a play, so be prepared for VERY long, dialogue-heavy scenes, but also be prepared for outstanding performances all around. Everyone brought their A-game, especially Chadwick Boseman.
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A most non-triumphant sequel
27 November 2020
It got too crazy, and it felt like there were a lot of things that were included just because one person thought it might be funny, not because it genuinely added anything to the story. I'm genuinely surprised at how positive the reviews have been. I really did want to like this movie. I loved the original, and even found some parts of the second film good, but generally, I found myself confused rather than laughing during Face the Music (though there were SOME laughs. Not a lot, but there were a few good moments). Overall, disappointing.
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If not for the last episode
27 November 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series, but the last episode just didn't fit. It felt like it was trying to make up for the sadness that the rest of the series had, but it ended up just feeling untrue for the series. Otherwise, a solid and enthralling watch.
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Just alright, but...
27 November 2020
Who allowed Robert Pattinson to refuse a dialect coach? That man sounded like a cat swallowed a balloon. Aside from the accents: it was a little long, and sometimes unnecessarily cruel/dark, but the performances were good and I liked the note it ended on.
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The Great (2020–2023)
A much better second half
28 August 2020
The first half of the show is cute and funny but to me the show really shined in the second half when the reality of Catherine taking power really set in. Specifically, the episodes about smallpox (ESPECIALLY in 2020) and the finale, to me were outstanding.
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
Imperfect but heartfelt
28 August 2020
There's a few things about THE HALF OF IT that don't totally work, and don't really ring true to me. But, the picture it paints of small town America, and it's commentary on how deeply ingrained religion is in towns like this really affected me. I appreciated that it's more of an ode to friendship than a romance.
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First Cow (2019)
Oddly home-y
28 August 2020
I can't explain it, but there's something just so warm and homelike about the way this film is shot, edited, and acted. It's not an edge-of-your-seat thriller, but it holds your interest well and is a nice, easy watch for an afternoon.
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