
75 Reviews
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Long Shot (2019)
Gag me with a spoon!
29 March 2023
I know this film bombed at the box office despite the press tour that Charlize and Seth did. When I listened to the two them on Howard Stern. I was cringing.on what Seth was saying. Almost creepy. For one Seth looks homeless and un-showered. Extremely unattractive. Charlize looks beautiful as usual. Seth humor is the same diatribe he has done from day one when he used to be funny. Completely over the top and unfunny. Their was zero chemistry between Charlize and Seth. I bet Charlize regrets doing this moving. Al the 10 ratings are fake. How can anyone think this bomb of an comedy deserves a 10 rating. It doesn't. Not funny Way over the top... Extremely stupid!
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Moonfall (2022)
The worst $150 million ever spent on a flop
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was in total shock watching this horrible movie. The first scene on the Space Shuttle was a disaster Patrick Wilson did not act or look like a astronaut. Their was zero build up. We even witnessed blinking light on the shuttle like a horror movie. Then the monster shows up. I would blame the director. Their was little chemistry and I could care less about the actors because we didn't have any camaraderie or backstory. They spent $150 million on what? Did they really go to the moon to film? Lol. Take Gravity with Sandra Bullock. They clicked everything looked so real. Then boom the sh_t hit the fan. I was riveted through the whole movie. Maybe the director should have watch that movie before he directed this movie.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Woke Woke Ruined by Woke
16 February 2023
I loved watching this series especially season 1 and 2. The politics was the normal make you have to have now in Hollywood. Max started out being really cool jogging in the morning before work. Max can speak Spanish to the surprise of Housekeeping. Max had an answer for everything even when Management were against him. I liked it when it worked in season 1 and most of season 2. Then Woke kicked in full bore. The show became so over the top. You would think BLM took over the show's writing.

Have you ever been to a County or free Hospital? If you have then you would know Doctors do not act this way at all. They have no time to get into your personal life and fix it through socializum. An ER doctor might give you 5 minutes if your lucky.

Woke ruined the show and made it so over the top.
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Zero scare... Zero chemistry...
4 February 2023
As you watch this horror movie that had such great success in the past. Especially the original Jeepers Creepers... I couldn't wait to watch this movie.

The second I saw the Woke cast, I knew immediately this movie would be horrible and not scary. But... I didn't know how horrible it was really gonna be. I mean seriously did anybody actually watch this movie that is a horror buff? The answer is NO.

Hollywood... please stop the Woke you broke mentality.

I beg you to go back to giving the part to the best actor for the character. If you don't have chemistry the audience will not buy into the movie.

Horror movies have to have the right chemistry to make it believable. You have to care about the actors.
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A great human story of honesty
2 February 2023
When I saw this Pamela Anderson story on Netflix I thought another victim wanna be story. I had a couple of hours to kill so I decided to watch her documentary.

I liked it from the beginning. Very little makeup complete honestly with a dose of humility Pamela had a story to tell that was completely interesting because I was there to see this train wreck with Tommy.

We get to see Pamela as a strong woman because she had to be strong her whole life. One disaster after another. She was absolutely beautiful and we couldn't get enough of her.

What a life story with unbelievable honesty. Pam I wish you the best in life with two great kids. I hope you stay happy...
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
Ginny is a fish out of water
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really love Georgia's character... Ginny on the other hand is the most annoying ungrateful teenager on TV. Her boyfriend is even more cringey. They have zero chemistry together. Acting is way over the top. The tap dance scene was really hard to watch.

Georgia is a star. I love everything about her and her acting... She's a crook but you love everything about her. Just when you think she's done. Boom she's figures a way out of it.

The four girls besides Ginny are great "Mean Girls" it works and you believe the friendships. A little to much Ginny and her even more annoying boyfriend for my tastes...
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Comedy writers please!
14 January 2023
The original Fletch was non stop comedy and laughs. John Hamm is not a comedian. John is funny when he's witty. The writing in this film is horrible. The directing doesn't work way to over the top and not funny. The lighting on John's face throughout the film is very dark to hid John face. I guess John not aging well. I did not laugh or smile once. No wonder this movie was a total bomb. Did the producers not test the audience before it was released. Chevy Chase has to be smiling watching this unfunny movie. What worked in 1985 does not work in 2022. A baseball cap and white tennis shoes with slacks doesn't work either. Horrible!
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Hello Netflix
15 December 2022
Netflix not again... Why is Netflix wasting so much money on Bombs like "Falling for Christmas" This movie should have been called "Falling Asleep" I love Lindsay Lohan... But this movie was so predictable and over the top. The story could have been good, the acting was horrible, the directing was way below even cable standards. I was hoping this would be a good Christmas movie. But as usual for Netflix a little to woke for my taste. Most of the scenes were embarrassing to watch even the out takes during credits were cringe worthy. I'm sorry Lindsay... I know your a good actress. Shame you had such a horrible director....
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Buffaloed (2019)
Buffaloed I to watching this horrible movie
29 October 2022
I'm a big fan of Zoey... I loved her in Zombieland she did a great job. Unfortunately... Zoey for some reason maybe the bad directing... I don't understand why her high shrieking voice started to get me in a bad mood. Kinda like a baby continuing to cry on a plane. Zoey's acting was way over the top and way to slapstick. The movie didn't flow. I couldn't get into the character, Because she seemed to have a case of hyper ADD. I had to fast forward this movie because I was getting to annoyed by Zoey's high pitch voice. I don't think Zoey is strong enough to carry the lead of this kind of movie...
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All Eyes (2022)
All Eyes on this movie or you will miss out
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin... This movie was so well done and very well written. The Greenlee's hit pay dirt. This movie has your attention right from the beginning of a Podcast gone wrong to a creepy farmhouse. When your down on your luck and life takes a turn for the worst, you need to take chances, if you have the balls to take chances that could change your life.

The farm and the creepy forest were absolutely brilliant! How long do you stay? Is this man out of his mind or is he dangerous? But you find this old man extremely entertaining. The farm and the house were very creepy. I felt sorry for this lonely man. This movie has one surprise after another. Hang on for a ride that takes many turns.
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X (II) (2022)
X is Xtra good...
21 September 2022
This movie turned so much better that I thought it would... I loved the acting and chemistry. The camera work was unbelievably good. The difference shots blew me away... Absolutely beautiful, Especially the alligator scene was timed or edited perfectly. The sex scenes were hot and not over done. Great story line, The old lady was different then what I could have imagined. The pace was spot on, and the build up of the characters worked well. I actually cared for them. The horror movie was very different from most horror movies. Well filmed, Good actors, Congratulations on a well done horror movie. Thank you!
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The 355 (2022)
4 August 2022
It doesn't work... Way to over top and unbelievable... As much action that is in the movie it's boring and kinda stupid... Sorry I tried to like this movie. Great actors that didn't the chemistry needed to enjoy... It's not Charlie's Angels folks...
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Purple Hearts (2022)
I wanted to like this movie
2 August 2022
I really wanted to like this movie. The chemistry was off in all scenes. The singing was horrible especially the opening song. A little to political for me and not very believable... This movie just didn't work...
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Bad to Worse
29 July 2022
The 2nd episode is absolutely horrible and boring. Why would you cast Sidibe? She is horrible to watch zero scare factor. Boring... Horrible... Boring... It's so bad I thought Netflix made it...
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Resident Evil (2022)
4 Bad Directors
17 July 2022
I was so excited to watch this series. I'm recovering from Covid and bored out of my mind. I can't believe Netflix let this go out. Did anybody watch it first. Horrible acting, Horrible Directing, Horrible writing, More crap from Netflix!
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Room 203 (2022)
Slow Dark Boring
14 July 2022
I love horror movies... I'm usually easy if they stick with the basic rules of of horror movies. First off their was very little character building. I didn't care about any of the actors or know much about them. Very monotone and dark through the movie. Very predictable and slow. The Glory Hole didn't work. I was never scared or surprised. You need a slow build up and suspense. This movie had none. The mirror over the glory hole was filthy and to small to hang on the wall.
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WeCrashed (2022)
I really tried to like it
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really tried to like this Apple series. The opening scene annoyed me from the start. Jared getting out of bed in the morning having servants around him like he was in diaper's with one man having a huge bong ready, another servant opening the drapes. Then going to work with no shoes on and music blasting with no care about another human being.

Anne and Jered acting made me feeling like I needed to take a shower. Anne did you really needed the work this bad? You're so much better that this. Like watching a 3 ring circus. Very uncomfortable to watch.

I'm so disgusted by arrogant self-righteous people like this. I get it... this is why they made the series. I'm just so done with idiots like this in life.
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Wife sucked the energy
12 March 2022
The Adam Project started out so good... The energy between. Ryan and his little brother was working and very funny. Until... Zoe (Ryan's future Wife) came into the picture. The movie stalled while the fake romance between Ryan and Zoe tried so hard to get us to believe how in love they were. It failed.. No chemistry between the two. This scene was hard to watch and killed the flow of the movie... I thought the writing was good. Especially with his mom and dad. It seemed very sincere.
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Night Night (2021)
Still tryin to get over the old lady nighties...
29 November 2021
The beginning of this movie had potential for five minutes... Then this picture was all over the place. What was the point again? Loved Eric Robert's as a doctor in pink scrubs "Not" I also loved the green old lady night gowns " hideous" This was just a horrible movie...
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Spiral (2021)
Woke u go broke
27 November 2021
Horrible movie... Great actors that couldn't act... I couldn't care less about any of the characters. This movie had zero chemistry and horrible directing.

Chris you looked to small to be that tough. It didn't work.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Wow what a let down
7 July 2021
I'm a big fan of Jessica Chastain. I love all her movies. But Ava has to be the worst movie I've seen with such a great ensemble of actors in a long long time. A little over the top on fighting... This movie is a real stinker no energy or chemistry what so ever...
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Awake (III) (2021)
What happen to Netflix
10 June 2021
Netflix it's time to wake up and start making good movies and shows. You over paid to many of your buddies to make mediocre product. It's time to get back to making upper level products. I'm close to Canceling my subscription to Netflix. Don't ruin the company again.
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Burn (III) (2019)
Great Job!
5 May 2021
I didn't think this movie was gonna be any good... I'm glad I stayed with it. Tilda plays an extremely interesting character. Without her theirs no movie. Mike Gan the Director and Writer of the this little gem did a phenomenal job. I bet he worked his butt off getting everything right making this movie. You have to care about the characters in this movie or you won't give a damn about this picture.

I loved the flow and editing. I really support movies like this, because they depend on a good script and chemistry for the movie to work. I loved it! Nice work Mike...
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Songbird (II) (2020)
I had to wear a mask over my eyes
28 April 2021
I tried to like this movie... The guy on bike was to cool for school and annoying... Demi Moore was hard to look at... Bad acting Bad Directing... Horrible Movie.
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Debris (2021)
Writers hit in the head by Debris
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out so dang good! People floating a foot off the ground. Washers and dryers and anything metal going down the streets. Absolutely Brilliant! Then the cloning and X men disappearing creepy as hell. Then by episode 3 the writers and director get hit in the head with debris and destroy the show with updated boring X-Files wanna be's.

You ruined a great show Why?
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