
108 Reviews
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IF (I) (2024)
IF has alot of heart, but is a bit uneven
25 May 2024
From the trailer, I wasn't quite sure what movie IF would be. I was pleasantly surprised after watching it. It is a really well made heart warming movie. It does have some issues, but is a nice movie.

The music is so wonderful and the movie looks just amazing. The cast really did a great job, especially Cailey Fleming as the main star of the movie. She was probably the best part of the movie. The storytelling part was a bit weak and the story didn't all make sense to me or flow all that well. I also didn't think the character that Ryan Reynolds was playing was all that great. He was channeling Deadpool and it the sarcasm didn't fit for me in that character. Overall me and the kids did enjoy the movie and it was a fun day out at the movies.
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Something new, funny, and very LA
20 May 2024
Everybody in LA was pretty amazing. It had me hooked for every episode... I wanted to come back to see what John had next for us. The vibe was cool, and it did feel pretty LA. Which maybe won't be for everyone.. but I thought it was great. Sure... not everything worked or was funny... but when it did work, it was so great. I'll take the highs even if there are a few lower points. It was new and fresh and had me cracking up many times. I do feel that it captured the vibe of LA and was a pretty interesting look at the city. Some of the inside jokes were great.. but people out of LA might not get them. I'm sorry... but the Heat/Waingro standup was so amazing. If you haven't seen Heat.. then it won't mean as much. But a great reason to see the movie if you haven't yet.

Really enjoyed this show... Great job John!
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This movie will transport you to a magical place
2 May 2024
Wow. Saw this movie last night in the theater with a full audience and was a magical and special experience. I will say that I did watch Reading Rainbow as a kid.. so this movie really touched me on a deep emotional level. But just as a great movie.. it delivers there as well. Even if you just value books and reading.. this movie will inspire you too. Movie was put together in a very effective way. Music was awesome, and the clips they found were just perfect. It reminds you how somethings in life are really, really special and to not forget to cherish them.. as they might not be around forever. Just a very inspirational story and movie. Of course LeVar Burton is great... but I learned alot about him, the show, and the impact it had on the world. Check it out.. and I'll see you next time!
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Foundation (2021– )
Really well made quality show!
29 April 2024
Great sci-fi show and just one of the best shows of all time. Story is pretty interesting but alot to keep track of. All the actors and characters are really great. Acting is really top notch and the characters are really deep. The way the characters interact with each other is really fascinating and draws you in. The show looks amazing as well! Cinematography and VFX are both really amazing and it pulls you into the world. I love that they shoot on real locations and things feel real in the world. The textures of the show are great and the costumes are really stunning. I hope they keep making the show as it's really awesome.
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Dissapointing Entry to the Ghostbusters world
3 April 2024
Frozen Empire was just OK. Did have some good moments and a little cast chemistry here and there, but just didn't work overall. I thought Dan Aykroyd had a good character arc and added alot to the movie. But overall it was way too overstuffed. Too many characters and some were left with nothing to do. I like Paul Rudd. He fit for the summer school teacher.. but I just don't buy him as the lead Ghostbuster. And the mom didn't really seem to want to be a Ghostbuster. The story just didn't really make sense or feel justified and even the underlying premise felt forced. I just can't stand when things in the story just don't make sense. It's frustrating. It doesn't have to be perfect.. but at least try! Characters did stuff that just didn't make sense for what has happening in the story. There were still some fun moments, but just didn't work for me. It's a tall order to make a great Ghostbusters movie, but unfortunately Frozen Empire just didn't deliver.
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Problemista (2023)
Really funny and great performances.
27 March 2024
Really enjoyed this movie. It really takes a good look at life and shows how some aspects are so absurd if we really look at them. It had great humor and some really enjoyable moments between the characters. Actors and performances were really great too. There were a few scenes that I felt didn't work all that well and took me out of the story a bit, but overall is was really fun and I'm glad I was able to see it. Just funny and uplifting.. with personal challenges along the way. Visual style was unique and interesting. Did feel like a cable indie TV show sometimes.. but that worked with the style of the movie. I look forward to seeing more work from Julio Torres.
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Past Lives (2023)
Emotional film that doesn't quite fully deliver
18 February 2024
It was a well made movie.. characters felt pretty real and I had some interest in their story. But overall it just felt a bit predicable and over dramatic. For these two to have the friendship as kids, and then it just seemed to be over played when they became adults. The husband's role didn't feel very connected to the central story, like he was just there to help move things along. The wife just sort of ignored him and it felt a little odd to me in places. Acting was good and the movie had some great cinematography. The director made a good movie, but some things were just a bit too much for me and didn't feel genuine.
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Powerful and effective filmmaking
31 January 2024
What a powerful film. I thought the stylistic choices were effective and very chilling. Obviously the story has repercussions to this day. The actors all were amazing and the story hit me very hard. Some aspects of the film might be uncomfortable.. but that is part of the point. It was hard to watch in some places.. to see the blatant disregard for human life and just evil nature of the Nazis. The sound design was just masterful as well. The choice to have us hear the atrocities and not see them, was effective and really powerful. It helped reinforce the idea of people ignoring the suffering of others and what they will actually go along with. Very effective.

It was a powerful film that will stay with me for a long time.
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I.S.S. (2023)
ISS dissapoints on every level
31 January 2024
Just got out of watching ISS.. and it was bad.. really bad. To me, it just failed on almost every level. The script and dialogue was just painful. Predicable and just not engaging. The characters had no depth, and did so many silly things. They did not feel like real astronauts and I just kept laughing at many of the things they did. So many of the actions just felt forced and not what the characters would really do. I think most of the actors were pretty good and were doing the best they could. But the script was just so bad, they could only do so much. Visually there were some big problems too. Things just didn't look right. Also some of the emergencies that were happening.. didn't seem to have to be an emergency. There were obviously solutions to the problems.

Just a frustrating experience and really disappointing.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Heartwarming and enjoyable movie
10 November 2023
Such a wonderful movie. I love the simplicity, the characters, and the way they all grow and learn together. It felt like a time capsule of the era and the flavor of the locations and era shone through. It felt like I was in the era with the characters and that was a fun journey.

I did find a few parts to be a little contrived. A few scenes and also just the style were a little forced in a few spots. There seemed to be some extra drama put in the movie just for heck of it.. without it being properly motivated. Also they really messed with the sound and the image to make it look like it was shot on old film.. but that felt a little heavy handed at times too. It was still super sharp like digital.. but they added the film effects. Not a huge issue.. but just felt like it was a little overly manipulative. But it didn't really take away from my enjoyment of the movie.

Saw this in the theater and it was a fun time out at the movies.
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Really enjoyable and funny Fletch
20 October 2023
This was a really enjoyable and funny chapter in the Fletch saga. The cast is great, and Jon Hamm really does a great job with the character. Funny, great cast, and this movie delivers on everything it promises. Hamm isn't trying to be everything that Chevy Chase was in the role, but he respects the previous work and makes it his own. Doesn't have the slapstick style of Chase, but he has his own comedic style, which I think works really well.

The movie doesn't try to do too much. No huge action set pieces or anything like that. Just a great comedic mystery with a bunch of funny actors. Well worth the watch in my opinion.
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The Creator (2023)
The Creator looks great, but story is tired and full of holes
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, I really wanted to like this movie. Edwards did a great job with Rogue One. He missed the mark with this one. First the positives.

Movie looks amazing. The world feels lived in and something that I felt was a real place. Edwards is great at world building. Actors were all pretty great.. at least with the material they were given. Sound was awesome, and it was just well made on a technical level.

What didn't work for me was the story and the script. Edwards doesn't seem to have the writing skills that measure up to his strong director abilities. The story started out strong and had great potential in the first act. It was making the audience pay attention and see how it was all fitting together. The questions about AI seemed to be timely and thought provoking. Then it started to fall apart for me.

It just was so flat and predictable. Didn't go to the depths that it teased that it might explore. The biggest thing for me, the massive plot holes. So annoying! For a film that seems to be trying to make a world that we could believe was real.. then the writers need to make things make sense and the characters should do things that are believable for their situations. Few examples.

Joshua was trying to get Alphie back after the simulants got him. He sneaks into their area by tip toeing, and flicks a switch on the leaders neck to turn off the robot. They have their power switch right there on their necks!? None of them could detect him as he was sneaking around? After he gets Alphie back, the simulants can't find Alphie. There is no tracking capabilities on him? We can track our cell phones in this day and age, and 50 years in the future, they wouldn't be able to track their most important "weapon/creation"? And why did they not protect their important creation. Also the Army comes in with these huge tanks (which were cool) and one explosive device completely disables it. Come on. And the flying base.. don't get me started. Joshua gets on board and destroys it so easily. The most important Army asset and it's practically defenseless. Had me rolling my eyes so many times. Making things make sense is important, especially for a film that tries to be realistic or believable. The army sends these running bombs to hurt the simulants. A missile would do the job and be so much more efficient.

I also had an issue with the plot point that the AI just wanted peace and for everyone to love each other. I feel like that is a sort of weak premise. Why would the AI have that perspective? If they were based on the humans or what you would find on the internet, why would they think just loving each other would be possible. The AI wanted to survive, hense the fighting, and that idea just doesn't seem logical. At least it didn't feel believable in the world of this movie. I could not buy that idea from what was presented in the first 2 acts of the movie. I loved the questions that were brought up in the movie, but I just feel like they were not developed in a smart of thought provoking way.

The movie could have been so much more. I wish it delivered for me... But I just left feeling disappointed and like the movie was an empty shell. Hopefully Edwards gets better material in the future and can bring his directing talents to material that is stronger and written in a more complete and thoughtful way.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Man on Fire is an amazing film
6 September 2023
Man on Fire... Such a great film. Everything just works in this movie. Performances, script, story, cinematography, directing. The characters felt so lived in and real. It just pulled me in and kept me engaged the whole time. I've rewatched it many times and it's still just as great everytime I watch it. Scott and Denzel were just working so well together and we're amazing collaborators. All the cast just works so well together. Fanning and Walken were so great in the movie as well. There are other action movies that just focus on the action and the other things suffer. This movie does everything really well. The action feels motivated and we really care what happens. Really a powerful film!
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Enjoyable time with the Turtles
21 August 2023
This is a really fun movie! It lives up to the history of the Turtles. Has good humor and good characters. We care about them and feel invested in them. The animation was really fun and had an original style. All the voice actors did a great job. Especially Jackie Chan and Ice Cube Story was solid. Nothing ground breaking, but did its job well. The enemy in the movie sort of felt a little flat to me and wasn't all that developed. Not a huge issue but just bugged me a little bit. I sort of didn't believe what the bad guys were doing in the film. It helps when they have a motivation that makes sense to their characters and to the audience. All that and it was a good time out at the theater!
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Well made movie but a little uneven
2 August 2023
Barbie was a fun movie and it visually looked really original. There were some really funny parts and some good acting. I loved some of the throwbacks and songs. Really was laughing at some of the funny moments.

The story and pacing was a little off and uneven for me. Couple of the characters felt a little flat to me, but overall it was a well made movie. Some of the songs were really great and the camera work was really good as well. I wish the story felt a little more connected overall. The tone really shifted around a bunch of times and it got a bit distracting. A movie can be funny and serious.. but it just didn't seem to know what tone it wanted to be and was a bit conflicting to me. Overall still enjoyed myself.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Wow! What a powerful and engagaing movie!
29 July 2023
Wow! This movie just knocked me out! So many parts of the movie were just excellent. I think I need a little time to fully process everything.. but I left the theater just in awe of the movie. Acting, script, cinematography, directing, score, sound, and visuals... were all just amazing.

Nolan really knows how to make a really powerful film. It leaves you asking questions about war, and how the atomic bomb really changed things. I only had a few small issues with the film. It does sort of peak about 2/3 of the way through the film. At least in terms of actions of the film. Then it asks questions about what happens after you invent and use an atomic bomb. Really powerful stuff.. and it kept me interested the whole time.

I loved seeing it in IMAX.. with the powerful sound especially. Although if you only get to see it in a regular theater.. that is ok too. But in a theater is the best way to see it for sure. Really awesome and it's such an inventive and powerful movie.
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Really solid entry into the franchise
29 July 2023
Really solid Mission Impossible movie. This was a fun time out in the theater. I don't think this is the best of the Missions films.. but was still quite good. There were some really excellent action sequences.. and the acting was really good across the board. I was really into many of the sequences and they were tense and exciting.

There were some plot/script things that sort of didn't make a ton of sense unfortunately. I wish things made a bit more sense wtih the plot.. but it's wasn't a huge deal. Also the movie felt a little un-even. Although I think they had to start and stop shooing a bunch of times due to Covid.. so I'll give them a little slack on that. Fun movie.. and I'm looking to Part 2.
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Just an OK film.. doesn't measure up to previous entries in the series
26 July 2023
Was hoping they would do a good job on this film.. but sadly this isn't the case for me. It just didn't measure up to the first 3 films in my opinion. There was too much CGI and things just didn't feel real. This film franchise works best when it feels like the characters are actually doing the action and that they are going on the adventures. In the car chase scene.. it was obvious when the would go from a real shot on the street, to the green screen shots. It was jarring to me and took me out of the scene. Too much CGI fakery.

So many aspects to the plot didn't really make sense (how did the Bad guys always just show up at exactly the right place.. oh yeah, so the movie could happen) and that just took me out of the film. Script and editing just felt sloppy and not well executed. Just didn't work as a entire film and was a pretty poor entry in the series in my opinion. Sorry Indy.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Fun but just doesn't connect
21 July 2023
First off.. I did like the film. It was enjoyable to watch and go on the journey that Anderson had for us. Some fun and interesting visuals and the setting was an interesting one. But I just felt a bit let down. The story is a bit lacking and the actors don't have all that much to do. I wish there was more to the film. The characters were just a bit more flat and one dimensional then in his other films.

I did enjoy many of the visuals and the sound and music.. but this just isn't one of Anderson's better movies. Judging it by itself, it was fine. But when you compare it to other Anderson movies.. it just didn't measure up for me. Still liked it and it was fun, but quite a step down from his other films.
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Air (I) (2023)
Just didn't do much. Not all that much passion in this movie.
19 April 2023
I just didn't connect much with this movie. It had a few fun moments... like making it feel like an 80s movie. But most of the movie was pretty boring with just meetings in conference rooms. If you really love the story of Nike.. then you probably would enjoy it. But if you are not that big into basketball or the old story of Nike.. then you might also find it boring. The characters mostly didn't do much either. Viola Davis is always great and she delivers a powerful performance. It's just that the Nike characters were mostly annoying. For me most of the time. Hiding MJ behind other people also felt weird too. Just meh.
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Really fun adventure movie
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fun movie I thought. Well done and a good time out at the movies. I don't know too much about D&D... but that didn't matter. The characters were fun and worked well together. The comedy was good... action was pretty exciting. Few plot things didn't make a ton of sense.. but didn't really matter. A few things sort of solved themselves a bit too easily and they got out of jams in some easy ways without having to really work for it. Still had a fun time.

I think this movie could have some sequels... if they keep up the script and story quality. I'd want to see more from these characters! All 4 of the main characters worked well together and balanced off each other well. If they can keep up the quality.. I say bring on more of these D&D movies. Fun times!
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Delivers on action.. and that's about it
29 March 2023
Well that was alot of fighting. I will say this movie is pretty pure. It's just nonstop fighting from beginning to end. If that is what you are looking for.. this movie delivers. I really didn't like it as much as some of the previous ones. It just gets so over the top and I start to tune out after awhile. I mean John Wick has skills.. but he basically is just the luckiest guy in the world. People shoot at him and just keep missing him. His bones are made of metal I guess since they never break. I just sort of didn't care after awhile since there were no stakes and he was unstoppable. I had hoped for a little more development with the characters.. and for the villains to be a bit smarter. It was ok.. certainly well shot and looked good. Action was well done.. but that's all you get in this movie. They could have done a little more character development.. or give John a bit more to say or feel. He is like a robot.. just programmed to do one thing. But it is what it is.
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65 (2023)
An enjoyable ride, strong visuals
28 March 2023
65 had a really interesting idea. The concept really interested me when I heard about it. I will say that it wasn't a perfect film.. but I really enjoyed the ride. It looked really good and kept me engaged and interested in the characters. Actors did well and had me invested in what was going to happen to them. A few plot things didn't make total sense to me.. but I was willing to let that go. They revealed some story elements in strange ways and I think that could have been done better. Some things just didn't make sense and that can annoy me when it could have easily made more sense as a full film. The action and effects were really good and it was a good looking sci-fi film. It's just that the story isn't too deep on the sci-fi side and became more of an action movie. I enjoyed going out to see this movie and would recommend it.
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Boring Spy film which doesn't do anything well
14 March 2023
This movie looked like it might be pretty fun.. but I just found it pretty boring unfortunately. The thing about these kind of movies. They should either be really exciting and have a solid story.. or be really funny. This really was neither. The story just didn't really make much sense..and there were only a few funny moments. Just didn't seem worth the time. I'd rather re-watch a Mission Impossible movie.. or like Spy or Austin Powers. The actors were doing an ok job, but the script and story just were not fun or interesting. Things didn't make sense.. which is ok if the movie had been funny or otherwise great on other levels.

Just didn't seem worth it and is a pass for me.
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Scrap (II) (2022)
Wonderful chemistry and heart
2 March 2023
I really enjoyed watching Scrap. This movie is just full of heart and authenticity. The characters felt so reel and lived in. Script and direction were really excellent and had me engaged from the start to the end. I loved how Ben and Beth really had a connection that felt real. They have their flaws, but accept each other and support as best they can. There were painful moments when Beth would continue to make bad decisions.. but that added to the realism of the characters.. as we all do that in our real lives. The journey that all the characters felt genuine and I wanted to know what was next for them in their lives. I really enjoyed the music and the beautiful cinematography. Just well done on all levels and a joy of a film. Highly recommended.
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