Just Go with It (2011) Poster

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One of the better ones
nafodude27 July 2019
Sandler is very hit and miss with his films, this however is one of the hits.

The wife and I were laughing constantly and even use some of the jokes between each other today. Highly recommended as the film is full of gags and quips that'll keep you laughing for 90 minutes.
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not expecting this: job well done
littlemssvixen12 April 2011
I've seen almost all of Jennifer Aniston's movies and most of them I really did not like. So my expectations of "Just go with it" were very low. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was laughing with tears in my eyes the first 20min of watching this movie and I didn't stop laughing till the screen showed black.

Al though the movie almost is 2 hours long, I wasn't bored at any time. The story was well written, the acting was amazing and hilarious and it was original in it's jokes. It did have a typical ending, but for once it didn't bother me because of the good build up in the story and the development of the characters.

If you do have a weakness for typical comedy movies, but can't seem to find a good one these days, definitely check out this one: laughter guaranteed!
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Silly cozy comedy to enjoy
UniqueParticle1 May 2019
Huge fan of Adam Sandler except a few that are "poop" so I'm surprised I didn't see this one cause it's pretty good! Nothing special though "Punch-Drunk Love" is among my favorites!

Mostly stupid slapstick comedy as usual with Sandler's flicks, which isn't bad. Good entertainment for a couple hours not much to judge.
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Likable Sandler-fare, as usual
jantoniou20 June 2011
Adam Sandler is getting pretty solid at producing and acting in quasi-poignant tales that get him somewhat further away - and, ultimately, closer to (doesn't make sense, I know) - from his proto-Sandler-style of filmmaking that has his vaguely proto-typical cast of characters - hapless, hopeless geeks, improbable ladies' man, a "nice guy" that all the ladies want, but still seem to settle on the douches. Sandler brings his "crew" together - former/current SNLers, Allen Covert (who is pretty much in every Sandler movie that I can think of), and some heavy-hitters occasionally. "The Wedding Singer," "Grown-Ups," and, now, "Just Go With It" all pander to this amiable style of film-making that is at times borderline gross-out - but just pulls away before you realize this probably isn't an Apatow-slacker movie, nor is attempting to be.

Sandler is a plastic surgeon who long ago accidentally discovered he could play the "my wife is a terrible person who abuses me" card to score with hot chicks at the bar. Fact is he's not actually married - he and/or his wife left him at the altar many years before when he discovered she really didn't like him - but he's become so comfortable with lying to score with the chicks he just doesn't care - or seem to. Jennifer Aniston is his office assistant, a sweet, single gal with 2 kids. She doesn't much care for how he deals with the ladies, but she still likes him because she sees what a sweet guy he really is under the surface of his rather devious womanizing that all starts with a lie.

Sandler meets the bounteous and beautiful - and, very young - Brooklyn Decker at a party. They sleep together on the beach and in the morning Decker discovers he's "married." Sandler immediately throws a lie out there - he IS in fact, married (wait, no he's not, but it's all a lie anyway) but he's in the process of getting a divorce because his relationship with his wife - again, playing the same card - is very bad. Decker somehow believes him and off we go with the rest of the movie where Aniston agrees to be his fake wife and ultimately go off on a vacation with Decker, Sandler, Aniston's kids, and Nick Swanson as the court jester/boob (basically a version of Rob Schneider from Sandler's other "Happy Madison" movies) who pretends to be Aniston's boyfriend.

There are a lot of funny setups and jokes - enough to enjoy the movie, for sure, even if they do clearly seem to be Sandler-ish in their obviousness. Hey, he's a plastic surgeon, let's see where we might milk that. Decker is half his and Aniston's age - let's see where we might milk that. Swanson is an often over-the-top boob - let's see where we can grab some silly jokes there. Aniston's kids - the daughter, especially - are good for quite a few laughs as well.

I half expected Decker to be pretty bad, but she does just fine. She is playing against top comedic talent here - though honestly Sandler nearly seems on auto-pilot in most of his movies - and nowhere is Jessica Simpson-like delivery in evidence. It hardly needs to be said she is being used for her looks more than her supposed talent, but her ability to transcend the "Hey, I'm just here to be a C-cup blond bimbo in a bikini" obviousness of her role is commendable. Sandler is notorious - or very successful, depending on your perspective - in bringing in at least one or two pieces of eye candy to most of his films, but in a manner that is less blatant or purely perverse. Yes, Sandler likes hiring hot chicks, but he also likes the good/nice guy to have a shot with her, which makes most of us nerds feel at least a little bit more hopeful. Decker and Aniston both of course fill this role, quite well.

While clearly not an intentional Oscar-winner, Sandler proves he is again capable of making a funny, somewhat poignant, generally enjoyable PG-13-bordering-on-R-rated film.
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The Adam Sandler Formula Works Again
Cunnilingilator7 September 2010
Just saw at this an advanced screening in Huntington Beach.

It was pretty damn good. I do have to admit that I am an Adam Sandler fan. Being 21, I grew up seeing his films in theaters and for the most part liked them all. I think with Big Daddy, Dennis Dugan and Adam Sandler's Happy Madison crew really started a formula of movie. Central conflicted and imperfect character Adam (who has a good heart of course), falls in love with the girl of his dreams, who is younger and way better looking than him, all formulated around a specific central premise (i.e. with this film it's Adam's lies piling on top of lies) supported by extremely strong, quirky side character performances. This might be the epitome of this established formula, really passing 50 First Dates in my opinion. The typical Sandler ridiculous humor and smart-ass remarks are extremely well balanced with perfectly timed and executed emotional moments. The set-up for the story is pretty basic and at first almost appears predictable. It is to some extent, but the crazy directions the movie takes based on Sandler's lies is well done and only stretches a few times. But what do you expect from the Happy Madison crew?

The 2 kids in the film did a good job and had some funny lines. I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan at all but really actually liked her in this. I sort of understand her popularity and charm after this movie. She seemed more genuine and I felt an emotional attachment to her that I have always lacked with her. Plus, she is showcased in a particular waterfall scene and looks absolutely fantastic in a bikini. Brooklyn Decker is unbelievably gorgeous, as we all know from the SI Swimsuit Edition, but I was very surprised at how natural of an actress she was. She seemed very comfortable and didn't overact much. She is extremely cute and lovable. Nicole Kidman and Dave Mathews were great as an uber cool couple. Nicole was a bit over the top as she has been of late (like since Moulin Rouge), but thats what her character called for so I understand. Dave was surprisingly good as an almost drugged up yuppie, cool boyfriend of Nicole's. Nick Swardson was absolutely hilarious and by far steals every scene he is in. He really comes into the movie about 1/3 of the way in and from there on out its his movie. Nick Swardson deserves fame for this.

I can't say for sure how the critics will receive it. I can handle suspension of disbelief as long as it leads to a funny payoff. For the most part these moments are delivered. It's a great date movie and a great movie for Sandler fans. He has an unbelievable recent track record for success, but this will top all of them at the box office.
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A Movie That Adam Sandler Wasn't a Total Clown
amandabryant-0417618 February 2022
Adam Sandler movies are always ridiculous. This happens to be one where he actually acts and isn't just a movie full of dumb Adam Sandler jokes. Maybe Jennifer Aniston makes it better? Pretty decent movie... from Adam Sandler.
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Decent if unexceptional
TheLittleSongbird2 October 2011
I am not a fan of Adam Sandler, though I have liked some of his performances and films, but when Jennifer Aniston has good material she is good. I was expecting Just Go with It to be crap, but while it was unexceptional on the whole I found it decent. Both Sandler and Anniston have done better, both have also done worse. Sandler is not amazing, but he is not as irritating as he can be. Anniston's role is one-dimensional, but she is beguiling and the chemistry they have is likable. Nicky Swardson, who I can't stand usually, is also good. The film looks appealing, is directed assuredly and the soundtrack is fitting and not too generic. The script however while having some funny and tender moments has a number of weak moments coming across as stilted and cloying. The story is rather thin and predictable especially the ending, and the characters while appealingly performed are generally under-developed and stereotyped. All in all, a decent and better than expected film but not great. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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dgiddings-939-75059514 August 2011
I put this on mainly for my girlfriend to watch and wasn't expecting very much. The opening scene explaining the wedding ring made me laugh more than a few times. The acting wasn't amazing and the story was okay but I found myself laughing at quite a lot of this movie. Jennifer Aniston was her usual character but I didn't dislike her and actually found myself thinking 'Hmm, I'd like to wake up next to her..' You can tell what is going to happen almost as soon as the movie starts but I found it quite watchable. Apart from Nicole Kidman. She annoyed me in this movie.

Overall this isn't going to be in your top 100 movies of the year and it certainly isn't going to win any awards but it is a harmless movie that will make you laugh (Unless you have no sense of humour).

I suggest buying it when its £3 in Asda then giving it to your sister/aunt/mum/daughter for Christmas after you've watched it. ;)
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Better than expected
stratozyck12 February 2011
First of all, it is an Adam Sandler movie. If you hate Adam Sandler movies, then you won't like this.

I gave it an 8/10 because it was one of the better Adam Sandler movies. The plot and storyline was better than I expected; the development was pretty good as well. There were definitely a lot of points where I had to slap my forehead b/c it was silly funny.

Yeah, its highly unrealistic, but if you expected realism, whats wrong with you? Sure, Jennifer Anniston is the "uglier chick," which is like saying a million dollars isn't that much money, but she did a good job in the movie.

The only complaint I had was Adam Sandler used all the lines I planned on using with the girl I took to see it!
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Sandler is back...
paul_haakonsen14 April 2011
Finally, Adam Sandler is rising up from the perpetual spiral of semi-interesting movies he has been riding for the past years. Sure, the movie "Just Go With It" looks disturbingly similar to "50 First Dates" when you look on the cover, but they are two completely different movies altogether.

The story told in "Just Go With It" is fairly sassy and Hollywoodish; a classical lovely story of sorts. Danny (played by Adam Sandler) falls in love with Palmer (played by Brooklyn Decker). They go away to Hawaii with Danny's assistant Katherine (played by Jennifer Aniston) and his friend Eddie (played by Nick Swardson). And the story rolls as the little white lies escalate and grow larger and larger. I am not going on with more of the story here, but being a 'straight off the Hollywood romantic comedy assembly line', then there is no surprise to how the movie ends. You know it straight from the minute the movie starts. But still, the movie is quite enjoyable. Although stereotypical, then the story is a good one, and you quickly get into it.

There are some really good characters in the movie, aside from the four main characters. I especially liked the plastic surgery enhanced people at the party in the beginning of the movie. They were hilarious, and drew lots of laughs.

The location of the movie, in Hawaii, really adds a romantic aspect to the movie, and it works out really, really well. You can almost feel the sand between your toes and feel the waves as they crash gently against your shins. Thumbs up on making the feel of the movie stand out this much.

There is a really good chemistry between Aniston and Sandler, and they really brought the story to life and they were in their aces in this movie.

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, as I had expected it to be another of Sandler's mass-produced half-funny comedies. So if you like romantic comedies and are a fan of either (or both) Sandler or/and Aniston, then "Just Go With It" is definitely worth checking out. The movie has some wonderful moments, it will make you laugh and it will make your heart all warm and fuzzy.

Thumbs up, and welcome back Sandler...
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Forget It
mmccord912614 February 2011
This terrible remake of I.A.L. Diamond's work on Cactus Flower back in 1969, itself based on an excellent stage play, was difficult to sit through: Too long, too unfunny, and to formulaic. Relying on sight gags and stale jokes cannot save a bad film, much less a screenplay that probably required very little effort on the part of the writers. Of late, much of what's coming out of Hollywood reeks of paranoia. When one is afraid to take a risk, in the genre of romantic comedies, remake something that was successful years ago. This travesty is indicative such a mentality. Also, when will Jennifer A. wake up and stop getting herself involved in films that will do little for her career? Save your money and rent Cactus Flower. Trust me, you'll be happy you did.
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Just Go With It
matt-327818 February 2011
I'm a bloke of 32. I took the other half to watch this last night as I do enjoy Comedy's. Not much of a cinema goer as tend to be the one saying 'ooh I knew I wanted to see that' when the film gets released and then completely forget to actually go.

I was in absolute stitches watching this, it's by far the funniest film I've seen in a long-long time. Normally watching a comedy I'd chuckle and laugh a bit but I was actually laughing out loud almost the whole film - as were a most of the other viewers in the cinema.

I do like (as my missus puts it) 'stupid comedy's' like; Anchor Man, Dodgeball and Hear no Evil See No Evil etc. so this is where I'm coming from.

I think the whole cast was near on perfect with Adam Sandler providing hilarious moments throughout, with Jenifer Aniston sexier and funnier than I've ever known her to be. if you watch the film you'll know that Dolf Lungren was side splitting at times and The kids worked really well especially Keekee-D's Mary Poppins English Accent!.... Oh and not to fortget the beautiful blonde :)

All in all an absolute hoot and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.

Would have given it a 10/10 but nothings perfect :) so its a 9/10 from me.

ps. Just go with it hit the spot so much that this is the first film review I have ever done!
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Silly premise - bad acting and poor direction
debbie-654-51654517 February 2011
Seriously, this movie was ridiculous from the very beginning. Sandler and Aniston were bad caricatures of a plastic surgeon and his compassion less assistant, Brooklyn Decker came across as the world's stupidest school teacher and worst of all was Nick Swordson's rendition of Jerry Lewis' Mad Professor. The kids (although cute) weren't even likable and as their mother, JA showed all the warmth and maternal instincts of a Madame Tussaud figure. On the bright side for Aniston, her bikini body was way hotter than Deckers. The only bright spot was Nicole Kidman's conniving character. I can only assume that a lost wager on Kidman's part accounted for her appearance in this charade of a movie. If that's the case, she's probably sworn off betting forever. So sorry I added to the week's coffers. It's not even worth the price of a rental.
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Just go watch it!!
riteshshergill17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now I know that after reading this review some so called 'critics' will call me a retard, but I liked 'Just go with it'. It does not have the most original story or the best of acting but it does one thing well and that is to make you laugh. It isn't the most sophisticated humor but you don't expect that from an Adam Sandler movie. This movie is right up there with '50 first dates'. Jennifer Aniston is looking amazing and though the chemistry between Adam and her isn't quite so crackling, she stole quite a few scenes especially the one where she is doing the hula dance and the one where she walks in for the first time after her makeover. This movie is definitely a must see at least once.. I say "Just go with it.."
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Better than Expected... Comparatively
Legendary_Badass11 February 2011
Danny (Adam Sandler) is a plastic surgeon who's found that a fake wedding ring is his greatest weapon in picking up girls. Despite its success, he has caught the attention of Palmer (Brooklyn Decker) without it, and when she sees it she doesn't react like the other women. Lying, Danny tells her he's going through a divorce and to cover that end of the fib he coerces his assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) into playing the part of his wife. The snowball effect gets into full swing and before long Danny finds himself vacationing in Hawaii with Palmer as well as his fake family complete with two kids. His biggest trouble may be in deciding if the charade he's keeping is actually the one he wants.

Just Go with It is a return to the typical Sandler vehicle, which it turns out is tragically dated and littered with blows to the crotch. The changup comes in Aniston being a more established foil than he's used to being paired, so some of her recent work shows through. You'd think that the combination of two over-exposed styles would clash, but they complement what the other is missing. Truth be told, having a sassy Aniston to knock Sandler down a peg works remarkably well. What isn't a good call is having to aim for the gross-out joke in the middle of some good dialog. So as you can image their job is going to put them in situations with body parts that aren't going to be shown in this PG-13 comedy. As likable as the Sandler-Aniston duo comes across, it's unfortunate that Just Go with It lives and dies by the supporting cast. On one hand Nicole Kidman and Dave Matthews hit a remarkable amount of laughs, and the former has a very large part in a film that doesn't show her for even a second in the promos. That's what I call a "pleasant surprise" and I wish other movies took note. The other end of the spectrum is visited with a combination of horrible child acting (possibly directing but more on this soon) and Nick Swardson. With the kids you get the sense that these children are suffering from the direction of Dennis Dugan who always makes the youth overly expressive. This time it troubles me more because the children have quite a bit of lines to grin through. With Maggie, a character supposedly taking up acting, she's never genuine. Michael similarly draws inspiration from performances for his role as Danny's son but instead is like a possessed cadaver. Finally Swardson is clearly aiming to be the most obnoxious actor ever. Not to get into too much detail over it, but there's nothing funny about it.

The outcome of the narrative is astoundingly conventional. This isn't a story that's going to challenge even a Facebook drone. Maybe I'm over analyzing, but the distasteful level of some of the scenes is so strong that I wonder if the intention is to test the tolerance of audience. Once you've sat through enough of it, you really do just go with it.

To say that Just Go with it was better than I expected is merely a comparative phrase. Did I expect it to suck? Yes. Indeed there is a great deal about it that puzzles me as to how Sony Pictures could have decided to release this to the public, but in some ways the cacophony of gags is effective because one is bound to hit you hard. I had belly laughs and that's not easy to coax from me.
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Harmless fun from beginning to end.
OliverGbyrne12 February 2011
Adam Sandler's/Dennis Dugan's films has been using the same formula since "Happy Gilmore" (Heck even if you watch "Problem child" you can clearly see Dennis Dugan made it) Same type of humor, a lot of the same actors..You would think that by now everyone would now beforehand what to expect from their films.That is why I am always surprise that you get people moaning about Sandler's/Dungan's films..Why are they going to them , they should know the type of films it's gonna be because their films are always the same type?!! I personally like watching those films, they are brainless , harmless fun and most importantly they are the type of comedy you can bring kids along(It's getting very rare,most comedy does allusion about sex and drugs these days).I am never surprise by those films, I go expecting something that I always end up getting,I knew exactly what sort of film "Just go with it" was from who made it and I was not disappointed the least. It was a sweet little comedy. Jennifer Aniston actually had good chemistry with Sandler and I was surprised by how great they work together as they are two actors I would have not imagine together as "lover". Nicole Kidman was wonderful as the bitchy school friend of Aniston's character and I might add that she was the best looking I have seen her on film in a long time. The two kids were very natural and likable , I was afraid at first when I knew the kids were going to be featured in the film heavily but those two were great actors for their young age. Beside all of this like I mentioned before this is a Happy Gilmore film and people should be aware of what comes with it.It's light hearted fluff and I personally liked it. So to all the haters if you watched Grown ups last year and didn't like it, why did you go into that one? If you didn't like "Just go with it" I think you should stay away from any upcoming films by Sandler and Dugan because chances are you'll be back on those board complaining about them as well..
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I like this one...
richieandsam27 August 2013

I have seen this before and I do like it. It is not Adam's best film, but it is still funny and entertaining.

The movie is about a plastic surgeon who pretends to be married just to get girls. All goes well until he falls for a girl that he meets at a party, but then she finds the wedding ring in his pocket. He then tries to convince her that he is getting divorced, but when she wants to meet his soon to be ex wife he panics. So he persuades his receptionist to pretend to be his wife and then the comedy begins.

It is a typical romantic comedy… there is comedy right up until the end of the movie where it is all romance. The comedy is very good, but it has the typical Adam Sander feel to it, which is not a bad thing. Adam as always gives 100%. He is a great comedy actor, but unfortunately his recent movies are just nowhere near as good as his earlier ones. Grown Ups and Jack and Jill was average at best. In fact I was very disappointed with Jack and Jill, I just thought that was terrible.

This movie also stars Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer is a typical romantic comedy actress. I am still waiting to see her actually challenge herself and take on a serious role. I think she might be OK with it, but until she gets out of the comedy rut, she will never be an Oscar winner. But putting that behind, I don't actually mind her. She is good at comedies, and she can be very funny at times. She does a good job in this, but it is not her best performance. Another great character was Eddie played by Nick Swardson. He was pretending most of the way through the film to be from Sweden (I think), but his fake accent and his character was hilarious. Especially when he tries to give CPR to a sheep. I was laughing so much. You have to see it.

It was very good to see Nicole Kidman in this too. She has a very small role but she plays the character very well.

The children in this movie were not too annoying either. I find children actors very irritating most of the time, but they were not too in your face. The girl, played by Bailee Madison, was slightly annoying, but that was because she was putting on a fake English accent throughout the whole movie. It started out funny, but after a while it lost its comedy value and I stopped laughing, I just wished she would stop talking. Too much of a good thing is never good. But generally not bad little actors. The boy was played by Griffin Gluck. He was quite good too. I believed he was a sad little kid who had Daddy issues.

The story is not bad, the acting is not great but works very well with the comedy & the romance is not too over the top which is always good. I always find that with romantic comedies the romance kills the mood sometimes of the comedy because it is drawn out too long, but this movie is not too bad for that. There is a lot of fun to be had with a plastic surgeon in a comedy, and Adam knows how to make it funny. He goes to extremes to be funny with his ideas. He also seems a likable person which always helps to find him funny.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"Mommy! That man put his pee-pee on my face!"

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Ordinary person movie reviews
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A very funny romantic comedy.
punch873 January 2019
Sandler and Aniston play off each other with warmth and charm, while Nicole Kidman almost steals the show as Aniston's frenemy.
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A good formula of comedy and romance, enjoyable with decent amount of salt and pepper that will leave you smile at the end of the show
montera_iulian13 April 2011
I might be a bit biased about this because I have a personal sympathy for Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler but I found this movie entertaining, simple and relaxing. These are all characteristics that most romcoms these days lack in. They all try too much to be either funny, either too romantic, either too complex and suffer from the storytelling point of view but this film, while it's a typical romcom it still delivers more than expected. But let's go into slicing this bread entirely and as objectively as I can.

Danny (Adam Sandler) is a successful plastic surgeon which after a disappointing start within his first marriage, he starts using his ex-wedding ring to get regular chicks in his bed. His methods work till he meets this gorgeous young blond named Palmer (Brooklyn Decker). In order to convince her he has real interest in their future he needs to play the ex-husband/present-dad card by asking his personal assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) to pretend to be his ex-wife. Things go really crazy and messed up when kids are involved and the "little" trip to Hawaii is the cherry on top of the cake. It turns out clicheic and Danny falls for Katherine but I never lost my patience. I really enjoyed the delivery. The dialogue wasn't bad, the acting was pretty much what this movie needed, a pleasant appearance from the lovely Nicole Kidman, it has funny moments and not funny in a retarded way, no nonsense and no stupid development of both characters and story and last but not least, it has a solid "feel-good" atmosphere. This film is getting too much heat in my opinion and so many feel they need to bash this because "oh, another clicheic romcom"... Well, I was entertained and I think this was the purpose of the makers. Great time at the cinema and definitely not a waste of money or time.

The production design, the technical execution was more than OK. It kind of reminded me of Forgetting Sarah Marshall as far as captions, contrast and chosen music. This is one of the best movies made by Aniston in the last years, probably since "Marley & Me" which a really good weekend movie. Adam Sandler is back in doing more of his good stuff and God, could I ask one thing? How does these women look so damn well at their age?...

Overall, the film's title pretty much suggest what the audience should do with the movie: "Just Go with It". It's a good formula of comedy and romance, enjoyable with decent amount of salt and pepper that will leave you smile at the end of the show.
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Totally predictable, poor writing, sorry acting
vixendale6 April 2011
There isn't much to be said. Brooklyn Decker is nice looking but that's about the only redeeming feature of this movie which is the worst I've seen in a long time. Some poor casting and worse writing makes this one close to unbearable. You know right from the opening scenes that you're going to be in for a long night. Jennifer Anniston proves once again that she is one dimensional and the rest of the cast isn't much different. I did enjoy however the scenes with Nicole Kidman and Dave Matthews because at least if was something a little different. Save yourself the time and the money, because let's face it - one way or another, you've seen this movie before.
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Just go with it
lavoie712 February 2011
If you are looking for a highly intellectual movie, forget it. This is a simple movie with a simple story line and simple jokes. However, if you like to go to the movies just to break the routine, to have some laughs, and to change your mind, this is an excellent movie. Most highly critical people looking for perfection will give this movie a bad review, no doubt. People who gave an 8 to True Grit will not appreciate this movie...

Acting is excellent. Jennifer Aniston is perfect in that role; this is her best performance in a movie so far, except maybe for Marley and Me. Adam Sandler is much more natural than usual. He does not have to deliver all of the stupid jokes, and has a to act his role during most of the movie. I would say this is an equivalent performance as in 50 First Dates, or even better. He is very funny (as usual), but also compassionate and lovable. Nick Swardson is the clown of the movie, which allows Sandler to act more and leave some of the funny stuff to others. Swardson made me and my whole family laugh out loud during many parts of the movie. In fact, it had been a long time since I heard my two teenagers laugh so much and so loudly during a movie.

The two kids are really good supporting actors. They bring a lot to the movie. They make the situation more complicated a few times in unexpected ways. Bailee Madison is very impressive. We will see her again and often.

The normal cast of Happy Madisson movies are all there for their usual 2 minutes and all bring their own laugh. One of them made me swallow water in my lungs! He is good! I will let you guess which one.

All and all, we left very satisfied and happy we had this family night, even the teenagers. No frustration like we had in True Grit and no disappointment like we had in Sanctum. This was better than expected and worth its money. Just sit down and "Go with it!".
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Not perfect, but a lot of fun!
SJGII18 August 2011
When I decided to give this movie a shot, I had very low expectations. With all the sucky crap that's out there, you are continuously finding yourself giving up on movies only ten minutes into them. The only thing I wanted was to see a few fresh jokes and I sure got them with this one. In fact, I got plenty of them. I got good performances from most of the cast. Adam Sandler was especially good and even though I've never liked Jennifer Aniston, she did a fine job here. However the guy who stole the show for me was Nick Swardson. What an idiotic role that guy had, but he certainly delivered and had me laughing like a sick maniac. I must say the kids were also very good. Anyone's who's looking for something that's Oscar worthy should stay away from it. This is far from being perfect, but it was never meant to be. It's meant to be silly and fun and that's exactly what this movie is.
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Just Don't Bother
troyputland21 September 2015
Just Go With It sits in the middle of the best and worst Adam Sandler films this side of the millennium. Many, considerable pitfalls exists. Sandler piles on the lies to get his girl. Firstly, pretending to have an ex-wife (Jennifer Aniston), because Sandler gets caught wearing his old wedding ring that scores him many girls (in his dreams). Secondly, having two children when he has none. Thirdly, his cousin Nick Swardson enters the fray, pretending to be Aniston's new German backpacker boyfriend. The lies are awful and flimsy. The charade's kept up for the entire movie. It'd be convincing if Sandler was only trying to get his leg over. Some laughs come from it, just not many memorable ones. Aniston is the prize winner here. She's the good in a jumble of mess. This film is aptly named, as if it's telling us just to go with it too.
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Really fun, and it has Jennifer Aniston
zamuz276 September 2011
I absolutely love Jennifer Aniston and this was a perfect excuse to drool over her for almost two full hours. Other than that, I usually get the feeling that I'm too easily amused because, like with this movie, people often give me the "meh, it's alright" quick movie review, yet I was laughing so much at times I had trouble listening to the rest of the dialog. I had an amazing time watching this. Plus Adam and Jennifer have a knack for sounding like they're actually having a real conversation instead of being two actors reciting their parts of the script dramatically. I loved their characters. Also, the kids are really amazing, they come off as smart, witty and funny without sounding too much like your regular movie kids. If you're on the fence about this movie, by all means give it a chance.
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A really, really funny movie. One of Sandler's best movie in recent years. Very much like Big Daddy, but funnier. I say B+
cosmo_tiger7 June 2011
"My tolerance level is here, if it goes up to here I'm selling you out and leaving." Danny (Sandler) has a unique way to meet women, he uses a wedding ring. After a gorgeous woman named Palmer finds out his trick she threatens to leave unless Danny introduces her to his evil soon-to-be ex-wife. After getting Katherine (Aniston) to go along with it they all end up in Hawaii where things get complicated. After movies like "Bedtime Stories" and "Click" it seemed like Sandler was starting to move away from what makes him funny. "Grown-ups" was good, but that seemed more like friends having fun then a movie. This movie is closer to the humor in "Big Daddy" then any other movie he has done recently. While still a pretty soft PG13 Sandler, this movie is actually very, very funny. Nowhere near the days of "Happy Gilmore" or "Billy Madison", Sandler is slowly trying to capture his younger days, and with this and "Grown-ups" he is getting close. The chemistry between Sandler and Aniston is perfect and I would not be surprised to see them in more movies together. Very, very entertaining and funny. A good laid back comedy that holds the funny all the way through, unlike movies like "The Dilemma" which is funny, but turns serious at the end. Overall a very funny movie that will not disappoint. I give it a B+.

Would I watch again? - Yes, I sure would.

*Also try - Grown-ups & Big Daddy
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