The Sound of Music (1965) Poster

Christopher Plummer: Captain Georg von Trapp



  • Captain von Trapp : It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children.

    Maria : But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldly clothes were given to the poor.

    Captain von Trapp : What about this one?

    Maria : The poor didn't want this one.

  • Captain von Trapp : Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear.

    [blows whistle] 

    Maria : Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals, but not for children and definitely not for me. It would be too... humiliating.

    Captain von Trapp : Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the Abbey?

    Maria : Oh, much more, sir.

    Captain von Trapp : Hmm.

    [starts walking away. Maria blows her whistle & he turns around] 

    Maria : Excuse me, sir. I don't know your signal

  • Captain von Trapp : You brought music back into the house. I had forgotten.

  • Herr Zeller : Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.

    Captain von Trapp : If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

    Herr Zeller : You flatter me, Captain.

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, how clumsy of me - I meant to accuse you.

  • Maria : Children can't do all the things they're supposed to if they have to worry about spoiling their precious clothes.

    Captain von Trapp : They haven't complained yet.

    Maria : Well, they wouldn't dare! They love you too much. They *fear* you too much!

    Captain von Trapp : I don't wish you to discuss my children in this manner.

    Maria : Well, you've got to hear from someone! You're never home long enough to know them.

    Captain von Trapp : I said I don't want to hear anymore from you about my children!

    Maria : I know you don't, but you've got to! Now, take Liesl.

    Captain von Trapp : [hesitatingly]  You will not say one word about Liesl, Fraulein.

    Maria : She's not a child anymore, and one of these days, you're going to wake up and find that she's a woman. You won't even know her. And Friedrich, he's a boy, but he wants to be a man and there's no one to show him how.

    Captain von Trapp : Don't you dare tell me about my son.

    Maria : Brigitta could tell you about him if you let her get close to you. She notices everything.

    Captain von Trapp : Fraulein...

    Maria : And Kurt pretends he's tough not to show how hurt he is when you brush him aside,

    Captain von Trapp : That will do!

    Maria : the way you do all of them. Louisa I don't even know about yet,

    Captain von Trapp : I said that will do!

    Maria : but somebody has to find out about her, and the little ones just want to be loved. Oh, please, Captain, love them! Love them all!

    Captain von Trapp : I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.

    Maria : I am not finished yet, Captain!

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, yes, you are, Captain!

    [pauses, then corrects himself] 

    Captain von Trapp : Fraulein!

  • Herr Zeller : I've not asked you where you and your family are going. Nor have you asked me why I am here.

    Captain von Trapp : Well, apparently, we're both suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity.

  • Captain von Trapp : My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would like to sing for you now... a love song. I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it die.

  • Captain von Trapp : Maria, there isn't going to be any Baroness anymore.

    Maria : I don't understand.

    Captain von Trapp : Well, we called off our engagement, you see, and...

    Maria : Oh, I'm sorry.

    Captain von Trapp : Yes. You are?

    Maria : Mm-hmm. You did?

    Captain von Trapp : Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else... can you?

  • Maria : I'd like to thank you all for the precious gift you left in my pocket today.

    Captain von Trapp : What gift?

    Maria : It's meant to be a secret between the children and me.

    Captain von Trapp : Then I suggest you keep it, and let us eat.

    Maria : Knowing how nervous I must have been, a stranger in a new household, knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted, it was so kind and thoughtful of you to make my first moments here so warm and happy and pleasant.

  • [singing starts somewhere inside] 

    Captain von Trapp : What's that?

    Maria : It's singing.

    Captain von Trapp : Yes, I realize it's singing, but who?

    Maria : The children.

    Captain von Trapp : The children?

    Maria : I taught them something to sing for the Baroness.

  • Captain von Trapp : Fraulein Maria, did I or did I not say that bedtime is to be strictly observed in this household?

    Maria : Yes, well the children were scared of the thunderstorm and... You did, sir.

    Captain von Trapp : And do you or do you not have trouble following these simple instructions?

    Maria : Only during thunderstorms, sir.

  • Captain von Trapp : Now, Fraulein. I want a truthful answer from you.

    Maria : Yes, Captain?

    Captain von Trapp : Is it possible - or could I have just imagined it - have my children by any chance been climbing trees today?

    Maria : Yes, Captain.

    Captain von Trapp : I see. And where, may I ask, did they get these... ummm...

    Maria : Play clothes.

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, is that what you call them?

    Maria : I made them. From the drapes that used to hang in my bedroom.

    Captain von Trapp : Drapes?

    Maria : They still have plenty of wear left. The children have been everywhere in them.

    Captain von Trapp : Do you mean to tell me that my children have been roaming about Salzburg dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?

    Maria : Mmm-hmmm. And having a marvelous time!

  • The Baroness : You're far away. Where are you?

    Captain von Trapp : In a world that's disappearing, I'm afraid.

  • Maria : I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the precious gift you left in my pocket today.

    Captain von Trapp : Um, what gift?

    Maria : It's meant to be a secret, Captain, between the children and me.

    Captain von Trapp : Uh-huh. Then I suggest that you keep it, and let us eat.

    Maria : Knowing how nervous I must have been, a stranger in a new household, knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted. It was so kind and thoughtful of you to make my first moments here so warm and happy and... pleasant.

    [All the while, the children look guilty. Marta starts to cry] 

    Captain von Trapp : What is the matter, Marta?

    Marta : Nothing.

    [Louisa, Brigitta and Gretl join in, while Liesl, Friedrich and Kurt continue to look guilty] 

    Captain von Trapp : Uh, Fräulein... is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you, uh, intend leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of... indigestion?

    Maria : Oh, they're all right, Captain. They're just happy.

    [All of the girls, except Liesl, continue to cry out of guilt] 

  • Captain von Trapp : Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of... indigestion?

  • Captain von Trapp : You are the twelfth in a long line of governesses who have come here to look after my children since their mother died. I trust you will be an improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours.

  • Max : Hold on. What's so funny?

    Captain von Trapp : You are, Max. Expensive, but very funny.

  • Maria : What is it?

    Captain von Trapp : Berlin. They've offered me a commission. I've been requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base at Bremerhaven tomorrow.

    Maria : I knew this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon.

    Captain von Trapp : To refuse them would be fatal for all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable.

  • Captain von Trapp : Oh, there's nothing wrong with the children. Only the governesses.

  • Max : What's going to happen's going to happen. Just make sure it doesn't happen to you.

    Captain von Trapp : Max. Don't you *ever* say that again.

    Max : You know I have no political convictions. Can I help it if other people do?

    Captain von Trapp : Oh yes, you can help it. You must help it.

  • Marta : Why doesn't father turn the motor on?

    Kurt : [agitated]  Because he doesn't want anybody to hear us!

    Captain von Trapp : Shh!

    Louisa von Trapp : What will Frau Schmidt and Franz said when they discover we're gone?

    Maria : They'll be able to answer truthfully they didn't know anything about it if anyone asks them.

    Louisa von Trapp : Will we be coming back here?

    Maria : Someday, Liesl. I do hope someday.

    Gretl : Are Father and Uncle Max going to push the car all the way to Switzerland?

    Maria : Shh!

  • Max : I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.

    Captain von Trapp : You have no choice.

    Max : I know... That's why I'm making it.

  • Liesl : [singing with the children at the Villa]  So long, farewell, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen! I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne. Yes?

    Captain von Trapp : No!

  • Captain von Trapp : I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.

    Maria : I am not finished yet!

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, yes, you are, Captain!


    Captain von Trapp : Fraulein.

  • Captain von Trapp : [after pulling the gun from Rolfe]  You'll never be one of them.

    Rolfe : Lieutenant! Lieutenant, they're here! They're here, Lieutenant!

    [blows whistle] 

  • Max : Even if it's to a height of 10,000 feet, Georg always believes in *rising* to the occasion!

    Captain von Trapp : Unless the jokes improve I'm taking back my invitation.

  • Captain von Trapp : The first rule of this household is discipline.

  • The Baroness : You know, you're... you're much less of a riddle when I see you here, Georg.

    Captain von Trapp : In my natural habitat?

    The Baroness : Yes, exactly.

    Captain von Trapp : Are you trying to say that I'm at more at home here... among the birds and the flowers... and the wind that moves through the trees like a restless sea, hmm?

    The Baroness : How poetic.

    Captain von Trapp : Yes, it was rather, wasn't it? More at home here than in Vienna... in all your glittering salons... gossiping gaily with bores I detest, soaking myself in champagne... stumbling about to waltzes by Strausses I can't even remember. Is that what you're trying to say?

    The Baroness : More or less, yes.

    Captain von Trapp : Now, whatever gave you that idea?

  • Captain von Trapp : Oh, I'd hardly call you a mere distraction, darling.

    The Baroness : Well, what would you call me, Georg?

    Captain von Trapp : Hmm. Lovely. Charming, witty, graceful. The perfect hostess. And, uh... You're gonna hate me for this... in a way, my savior.

    The Baroness : Oh, how unromantic.

    Captain von Trapp : Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once... that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.

  • Captain von Trapp : Fraülein, you have managed to remember that I'm leaving in the morning? Is it also possible that you remember... that the first rule in this house is discipline? Then I trust that before I return, you will have acquired some?

  • The Baroness : The mountains are magnificent, Georg, really magnificent.

    Captain von Trapp : I had them put up just for you, darling.

  • Captain von Trapp : Unless the jokes improve, Max, I'm taking back my invitation.

    Max : You didn't invite me to your villa. I invited myself.

    The Baroness : Naturally.

    Max : You needed a chaperone, and I needed a place to stay where the cuisine is superb... the wine cellar unexcelled and the price, uh, perfect.

    The Baroness : Max, you are outrageous!

    Max : Not at all. I'm a very charming sponge.

  • Max : I must explore this territory in the next few days. Somewhere a hungry little singing group is waiting for Max Detweiler... to pluck it out of obscurity and make it famous at the Salzburg Folk Festival.

    Captain von Trapp : They get the fame. You get the money.

    Max : 'Tis unfair, I admit it. But someday that'll be changed. I shall get the fame too.

  • The Baroness : This really is exciting for me, Georg, being here with you.

    Captain von Trapp : Trees, lakes, mountains... when you've seen one, you've seen them all.

    The Baroness : That is not what I mean, and you know it.

    Captain von Trapp : Ah, you mean me. I'm exciting.

    The Baroness : Is that so impossible?

    Captain von Trapp : No, just, uh, highly improbable.

    The Baroness : There you go, running yourself down again.

    Captain von Trapp : Well, I'm a dangerous driver.

  • The Baroness : Oh, I do like it here, Georg. It's so lovely and peaceful. How can you leave it as often as you do?

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, pretending to be madly active, I suppose. Activity suggests a life filled with purpose.

  • The Baroness : Oh, I... I am amusing, I suppose. And I do have the finest couturier in Vienna... and the most glittering circle of friends. And I do give some rather gay parties.

    Captain von Trapp : Yes.

    The Baroness : But take all that away, and you have just... wealthy, unattached little me, searching just like you.

  • Captain von Trapp : Still eating, Max, hmm? Tsk, tsk. Must be unhappy.

  • Max : If there's one thing I hate, it's a thief.

    Captain von Trapp : Max, you really must try and learn to love yourself.

  • Captain von Trapp : Uh, Max, do step out of character for a moment and try and be charming.

  • Max : You know I have no political convictions. Can I help it if other people do?

    Captain von Trapp : Oh, yes, you can help it! You must help it.

  • Captain von Trapp : [singing]  Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.

  • Captain von Trapp : Herr Zeller, some of us prefer Austrian voices raised in song... to ugly German threats.

  • Captain von Trapp : What else does the reverend mother say?

    Maria : That you have to look for your life.

    Captain von Trapp : Is that why you came back? And have you found it... Maria?

    Maria : I think I have. I know I have.

  • Captain von Trapp : Do you know when I first started loving you? That night at the dinner table when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.

    Maria : What? I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle.

  • Captain von Trapp : We missed all the noise you make in the morning telling each other to be quiet.

  • Max : Georg, this is for Austria.

    Captain von Trapp : For Austria? There is no Austria!

  • Max : I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.

    Captain von Trapp : You have no choice.

    Max : I know. That's why I'm making it.

  • Captain von Trapp : I was under the impression, Herr Zeller... that the contents of telegrams in Austria are private! At least the Austria I know.

  • Herr Zeller : And you ask me to believe this, that you, Captain von Trapp, are singing in a concert?

    Max : Believe me, it will be a performance beyond anything even I've dreamt of.

    Captain von Trapp : Like you, Herr Zeller... I, too, am a man of hidden talents.

  • Herr Zeller : Well, a slight delay in my orders will not be serious. Therefore you will sing. You will all sing, but only because that's the way I want it to be. It will demonstrate that nothing in Austria has changed. And when you are finished singing... you, Captain von Trapp, will be taken to Bremerhaven. Now, if you will all get into your car... we will escort the Von Trapp Family Singers to the festival.

    Captain von Trapp : No escort will be necessary, Herr Zeller.

    Herr Zeller : Necessary? A pleasure, Captain. After all, we would not want you to get lost in the crowds... would we?

  • Captain von Trapp : Maria, is there anyone I should go to, to ask permission to marry you?

    Maria : Well, why don't we ask...

    Captain von Trapp : The children?

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